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4,412 total results
If you’re not having any pain with your neuropathy, I would recommend discussing the Gabapentin with...
you’re not having any pain with your neuropathy ... From what my Mayo neurologist told me ... it only helps with neuropathy pain.
Hello @edoe2020, Welcome to Connect. I am sorry to hear that your son is also suffering...
headaches and back pain along with his neuropathy ... are associated with his diagnosis of neuropathy ... might find the following information helpful ... diagnosis and possible treatments:
--- What ... more about your son's chronic neuropathy
Welcome @bardofely, I imagine that it can be a little distracting and annoying. Especially not knowing...
Especially not knowing the cause or what ... you can do to help. ... following discussion to see if it might be helpful ... .
--- Middle Ear Myoclonus and Neuropathy
Mike you hit it on the head. Everyday when I feel the symptoms I think of...
more time in front of the tv has not helped ... symptoms are from your back or the neuropathy ... As you said what choice do we have. ... progression is accelerating and that is what
@vivianne777 I know this information is a lot to unpack. I think from your earlier comment...
This was what you said, "I have ... that the problem with my feet is not neuropathy ... I noted what type of pain, where it ... any questions you have and I will help ... and distressing, and I'm here to help