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1,309 total results
Thank you guys for all your replys! I had gone to the Indocrinologist yesterday she says...
says i may have an autoimmune disease Hashimoto's
@Taffmorello, I am sorry you are experiencing hip pain and hope by now it has resolved...
from fibromyalgia (she does not have hashimotos
Thanks, @lynnes. That is helpful, as is the "shout-out" of support from others. I am responding...
And 3.Hashimoto's (autoimmune hypothyroidism
Welcome back to Connect @taffmorello. I'm tagging fellow members @taterjoy @michellecrcrn @kyjeanne @dogmamat @sebley12 and @jillnc,...
, all of whom have experience with Hashimoto's
I deleted foods slowly as I didn't want to shock my system. But I deleted processed,...
I suffer Hashimoto's thyroiditis and