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172 total results
I can only speak from my personal experience with this and I have had similar experiences...
have had similar experiences with cpap ... started using an Airsense11 autoset cpap ... set by my physician's office, cpap ... I can get information on number of events
This is my usual comment when I see this question: In the military, gas masks are...
next day's report says about the numbers ... always seem to by higher than other CPAP
Hi @theamericanbrit, I think your AHI numbers are great. When I had an overnight sleep study...
@theamericanbrit, I think your AHI numbers ... sleep medicine doctor prescribed a CPAP
I am an eighty-six year old female who was first dx with obstructed sleep apnea when...
fifty years old and started using a CPAP ... using a ResMed AirFit F30 Full Face CPAP ... My numbers are pleasing my sleep specialist
Hi @tsal, Welcome to Connect. Thank you for being an advocate for your father. I've used...
I've used a CPAP for about 5 years ... anymore as I've had good and bad AHI numbers ... pressure settings on your father's CPAP ... some information on the topic:
--- CPAP ... /cpap-pressure-settings
Is your father