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4,689 total results
Hello Jadilow, My understanding is that heart pain moves. It doesn't stay in one spot. It...
It moves and that can be around the chest ... Try some moves that move the chest muscles ... sharp, localized pain when you stretch chest ... you take it, any reflux should calm right
I’m not sure if it acid reflux or GERD.but I was doing good very good since...
That same night I started coughing and ... But my chest hurts from the esophagus
Discussion: LINX procedure
Support Group: Digestive Health
Posted: Dec 10, 2019
Hi to anyone who may be able to shed light on treatment of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN)....
to anyone who may be able to shed light ... severe costochondritis through my chest ... minute of every day in the entire right ... side of my back and under my right
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Dec 7, 2019