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286 total results
Welcome to Connect, @tinalk. The MTHFR gene mutation may contribute to a variety of health conditions....
in this comment:
>Treatment for chronic ... Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
My experience with energy is the same. I've tried with increasing success various things. Your functional...
re trying valacyclovir now for the EBV ... program of amygdala retraining for chronic
The article below describes my life now. I used to work a full time job, exercise,...
Keep in mind I also have EBV reactivation ...
Hi Lidiana, Your symptoms sound very much like mine. I spent years trying to get properly...
recently been addressing a possible chronic ... EBV’s been discussed as being a culprit
I got Covid when I was 4 months postpartum with my only child. It was an...
for anyone with autoimmune issues or chronic ... EBV is the root cause of many adult ... chronic health problems. ... are all part of maintenance once the chronic ... reactivated EBV is addressed.