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986 total results
My doctors are currently considering ketamine infusions for me. I have a doctor at a pain...
I have a doctor at a pain clinic but ... have a doctor who is an integrative pain ... I've been in terrible pain for 15 ... They dissolve under your tongue and ... only significant and long lasting pain
@ristu I don't have any pain in my mouth now, unless I eat really acidic foods...
@ristu I don't have any pain ... or cooked, they continue to make my tongue
Did some research and there was a study done that said 5 to 15 minutes gave...
I keep my tongue down, it takes a little ... can even swallow without moving my tongue ... I have read for pain relief a much higher
Dear John, you are a fabulous resource and I really appreciate what you do for us....
Gabapentin a day and still have SFN pain ... especially in my lips and the tip of my tongue ... But worst of my pain and discomfort ... the only treatments for neuropathic pain ... anti-convulsants like Gabapentin and Lyrica, pain
I also am afflicted with this nasty syndrome. I am 68 years of age and I...
They did give some respite from the pain ... marihuana(once a day) to cover the pain ... It helps the pain in my lips and helps ... syndrome symptoms, along with the mouth pain ... - helps stop the “movement” of my tongue