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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
171 total results
When I had my sleep study at Rochester Mayo I was asked to sleep on my...
so they want to see how bad your numbers ... They also had me switch masks and CPAP
My husband's sleep study results mentioned the number of interruptions in REM sleep and it was...
sleep study results mentioned the number ... CPAP helps him.
I just had my 2 year sleep medicine appointment to get my RX for medicare compliance...
didn't have to cart in my old CPAP ... machine and took my travel CPAP which ... switched because I had 4 great AHI numbers ... the most part I've had better numbers ... with the Dreamstation GO auto CPAP
@pfbacon I make it a habit to read the paperwork that comes with my meds, even...
medication, and I have experienced a small number ... and he agreed with me that using a cpap ... The cpap in particular essentially forces
Hi Tena, I am very sorry to hear about your sons condition. I have complex partial...
for the insurance company to ok a CPAP ... What I found is it reduced the number ... A CPAP machine was approved based on ... doctor but am a strong advocate for CPAP ... get each night directly effects the number