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2,674 total results
Ah yes, brain fog and lack of energy - 2 common side effects of cancer treatment....
Ah yes, brain fog and lack of energy ... They too posted about brain fog and ... Here are 2 posts about coping with brain ... fog ... cancer/expert-blog/coping-with-chemo-brain
Posted: May 6, 2016
@gingerw @jodeej hello there! Just a note regarding the brain fog and sleep. I had my...
Just a note regarding the brain fog ... enough to have not suffered from any brain ... fog. ... I hope that your husbands brain fog
Discussion: Brain fog update
Support Group: Transplants
Posted: Dec 19, 2018
I totally agree. I had an adverse reaction to the first Pfizer vaccine within 15mins, with...
a cascade of symptoms to follow - brain-fog ... The tremors and brain-fog got better ... which exacerbated the paresthesia and brain-fog ... , and took 3 weeks for the brain-fog
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Aug 7, 2022
Hi @babsg1, welcome. I'm inviting @leezer and @vcornette1 and @SusanEllen66 into this discussion to share their...
with CNS vasculitis or vasculitis and brain ... fog. ... hand what it is like to deal with brain ... fog related to an autoimmune condition ... fog.
Food Intolerances
I am weak, dizzy, brain fog, nausea,
Support Group: Digestive Health
Last active: Nov 11, 2022
I ate before second cortisol labs and DHEA
week later stupid me I have been in brain ... fog ate and drank coffee before labs
Last active: Jan 25 7:59pm
Alpha Lipoic Acid, physician recommended?
suggested I might want to take it for brain ... health as I’ve had some brain fog from ... the myelin sheath on nerves in the brain
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Last active: Mar 8 9:14am
Anyone else experienced periodic episodes of paralysis? Covid related?
fatigue, muscle weakness, neuropathy, brain ... fog, problems with word finding, severe
Last active: May 26 12:44pm
injured on the job
Other than the brain fog and blurred
Support Group: Epilepsy & Seizures
Last active: Feb 11, 2021