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171 total results
Hello @timbrownfl, Welcome to Connect. You are definitely not alone with severe daytime sleepiness. There are...
I used my CPAP ... for over a year before my AHI numbers ... Do you mind sharing what type of CPAP ... machine you are using and the AHI numbers
No, my doctor hasn't added any medication. I guess you use a nebulizer for that. I...
ways that could keep the water in the Cpap ... machine since I've used it for a number
My blood sugar has been going up slowly over the years. Pre- diabetic to diabetic and...
My blood glucose numbers and A1C are ... stopped Januvia and also did not need CPAP
The CPAP supply company wont issue a new CPAP unless i have another prescription. Doctor's appointment...
The CPAP supply company wont issue a ... new CPAP unless i have another prescription ... meanwhile, i am still using the same CPAP ... I did not register my CPAP because there ... that show people using an incorrect number
Hi @cece55, I was using a Dreamstation Go and replaced it with a ResMed AirMini when...
doesn't affect my usage or event numbers ... before I got the Dreamstation Go travel CPAP ... the cloth covers for the mask and CPAP ... moisturizer for the CPAP nose.