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286 total results
Among other symptoms, I've had muscle twitching (in my calves especially) and without any weakness for...
post-viral illnesses, Fibromyalgia, Chronic ... always test positive for Early Antigen EBV
If you read up EBV causes sjogrens and lupus. I have both.,multiple%20sclerosis%20and%20other%20diseases.
If you read up EBV causes sjogrens and ... ... %20or%20recurrent%20EBV%20infection,
Oh my. What are your symptoms? I am not familiar with that med. Do you have...
EBV virus reactivation? ... metal poisoning , chronic infection
I am convinced that the herpes viruses of Epstein-Barr and Varicella-Zoster do cause small fiber neuropathy....
and strep infections and developed chronic ... when I mention NK cell deficiency, EBV
I just saw this post and I can relate. My EBV VCA IgG is above 600....
My EBV VCA IgG is above 600. ... of but I have been diagnosed with Chronic