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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
7,670 total results
I was on Zoloft 50 mg, and went off of it because of weight gain. My...
Pristiq because it had very little side ... effects. ... Even the literature from the pharmacy ... pharmacy would have explained what the side ... effects are when coming off this medicine
Hi Kellyo, I came across your story and wanted, like most people here, to follow up...
tingling in my arm and leg on the left side ... automatically wanted to cut me open even ... though it wasn't effecting my activities
I know what you are going through. My dizziness started over 5 years ago and I...
Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic and even ... Neurologist, Allergist, acupuncturist and even ... None of the drugs helped and some even ... had side effects worse than the original
Hi everyone! I found this forum after having a really difficult week. My backgroud with Pristiq:...
The first side effect: no sex drive. ... your significant other when you don't even ... and was supposed to not have many side ... effects.
I wnated to share my son's story with trying to get off Pristiq. We went to...
off and one day on Pristiq and the side ... effects got much worse. ... was causing us to think he might not even