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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
7,692 total results
Good evening @cpierre, Welcome to Connect and to this very important discussion about osteoporosis medications. Many...
Good evening @cpierre, Welcome to Connect ... Tymlos and I have to say, I have had no side ... effects other than a bit of nausea ... able to just stop if you run into side ... effects trouble.
I am a 65 yo who is in the process of beginning therapy on Forteo, as...
reviews and commentaries on Forteo side ... effects and questionable efficacy. ... I am overwhelmed bc I haven't even
mayofeb2020 I tried statins but couldn't tolerate them but many drugs bother my g.i. tract so...
I am not aware of any side effects. ... However, incorporating even a few of
What you stated is one of the reasons I decided not to continue taking osteoporosis drugs...
really scared me to think that whatever side-effects ... them, and bones possibly becoming even
Hello, I have been reading the descriptions of everyone’s journey with PMR. I am 73 and...
which were exhausting, although not even ... affected me for 2 days! ... I was keeping my TSH on the low side