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1,192 total results
@t98 - I have GERD due to a hiatal hernia and have to be on Lansoprazole...
@t98 - I have GERD due to a hiatal hernia ... Doctors avoid doing hiatal hernia repair
I have BE I have just recently been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. Apparently it comes...
just recently been diagnosed with a hiatal ... hernia. ... that forced coughing will make my hiatal ... hernia worse.
Hi! I am dealing with a lot of similar symptoms. Just out of curiosity, did you...
curiosity, did you ever deal with your hiatal ... hernia? ... I believe that I have a “sliding” hiatal ... hernia. ... some naturopaths also refer to a “hiatal
Somewhat. But side effects subside over time. I have been thinking of having nissen fundoplication or...
fundoplication or linx procedure for GERD and hiatal ... hernia.
@tummy I have had surgeries for large paraesophageal (sliding) hiatal hernia repair. What type of surgery...
for large paraesophageal (sliding) hiatal ... hernia repair.
Chronic GERDs with multiple Lap Nissan failures
has failed and I now have a Type III hiatal ... hernia with 50% of my stomach in my ... My main concern is the type III hernia ... the run around on trying to get the hernia
Bowel problem
complete hysterectomy and 2 incision hernias ... I also have a 7cm hiatal hernia located
uncontrolled GERD with burning sensation on tongue/mouth
showed only that I "may have a hiatal ... hernia" (although I thought he&
My hill repair Antireflux surgery made my symptoms worse
I didn't have hiatal hernia either.
Any connection?
Bile reflux, Diverticulitis, Tiny hiatal ... hernia, Pelvic floor dysfunction, Inflammation