To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
1,446 total results
Hi. I am a 62-year-old male living on Long Island, NY. I suffered a fracture &...
In 2006 I had a spinal cord stimulator ... abilities as he is one of the top spinal
@albiet Before I got my spinal cord stimulator I took 30mg of ms contin 3x a...
Before I got my spinal cord ... stimulator I took 30mg of ms contin
@papawheelie Thanks for your response. I’m so sorry you have been through so many surgeries. You...
you may be a good candidate for a spinal ... cord stimulator.
@artscaping I have been treating my depression, etc., for around 16 years. It took a long...
I have a spinal cord stimulator, and ... doctor who does dorsal root ganglion stimulator ... wants to discuss the adjustments to my stimulator ... I guess that a drg stimulator is kind
@faithwalker007 So you have a drg stimulator. I'm considering changing from my Abbott spinal cord stimulator...
@faithwalker007 So you have a drg stimulator ... considering changing from my Abbott spinal ... cord stimulator to a drg. ... do something different because my stimulator