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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
891 total results
I too am taking Gabapentin, 400 a.m. and 800 at bedtime....and I too have icy feet...
I use an electric heating pad that I ... found on Amazon along with socks.
I can enpathise with you Motown. There are nights when my one leg start jumping and...
Or electrical shock feelin in my ankles
@upstatephil Phil, Oh my gosh.... what a close call! Your story illustrates why we need multiple...
neurologist administering painful shocks ... needle in a muscle and measuring the electricity ... have to wonder if the strength of electric ... shock the first time was just too high
At the time of his surgery, he didn’t have much weakness in his legs. He was...
arms - as he described it - like an electrical ... shock shooting down his arm.
It has helped tremendously with my back pain in my Lumbar. It has not done nothing...
It has not done nothing for my electric ... like shocks that I receive in my ankles