Register by tomorrow for HLHS Feel the Beat 2017!

Sep 21, 2017 | Suzanne Ferguson | @suzannerferguson


Registration officially closes tomorrow for the fifth annual HLHS Feel the Beat event held on October 14. It’s going to be a great day filled with inspiring guest speakers, updates on the ongoing HLHS research, and an exciting afternoon surprise!

Read more about our featured guest speakers Brenton Ball, Erin Borkowski, Diane Pickles and Annie Ritchings.

For those of you traveling to Rochester, Minnesota to attend Feel the Beat, we have a block of rooms reserved at the CenterStone Plaza Hotel. The discounted rate is $89 a night. To book a room, call the hotel directly at 1-800-366-2067 and mention “Feel the Beat”. Reservations must be made by September 30.

Can’t wait to see you there on October 14!

The Todd and Karen Wanek Family Program for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) is a collaborative network of specialists bonded by the vision of delaying or preventing heart failure for individuals affected by congenital heart defects including HLHS. The specialized team is addressing the various aspects of these defects by using research and clinical strategies ranging from basic science to diagnostic imaging to regenerative therapies. To learn more or to participate in the research, email and follow the HLHS program on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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