Mayo Clinic Hispanic Transplant Program

Aug 13, 2020 | Kristin Eggebraaten | @keggebraaten | Comments (1)

Mayo Clinic in Arizona developed the Hispanic Transplant Program to help educate patients about organ donation and the safety of living kidney donation. This program’s main objectives include achieving improved quality of life and length of life for the Hispanic population in need of kidney transplant.05-18-2020 Hispanic Tx Program Blog

Why do we need a program specifically for Hispanic patients? The Hispanic population in the southwestern United States represents one of the largest cultural and ethnic groups in the nation. Mayo Clinic feels that we can improve transplant outcomes for this group of patients by providing tailored education and evaluation for their kidney failure and transplantation needs.

In this program, located at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, patients can select to have Spanish-speaking transplant providers to educate them and their families on the transplant process. Living kidney donation education is also offered in this manner for those who might be pursuing a living donor transplant. These education sessions help dispel misunderstandings about transplant that may arise due to language barriers or insufficient information such as what it means to be on the wait list for an organ, where patients can go for a transplant and any misconceptions about age or future health concerns of living donors.
“When patients come in and receive their initial education in Spanish, it really is powerful for that patient and their family and it helps them buy in to the transplant evaluation process and builds their own enthusiasm for the potential of receiving that organ,” says Jeff Welch, M.S.W., L.M.S.W, living donor transplant social worker and one of the pioneers of the Hispanic Transplant Program at Mayo Clinic’s Arizona campus, “It also gives the family members education on whether they can be a living donor.”
This program helps address barriers to transplantation and organ donation by engaging and empowering family members early in the transplant process. Mayo Clinic has a long history of strong kidney transplant outcomes and aims to provide the highest level of care possible to transplant recipients and living donors. Hispanic people considering transplant at Mayo Clinic can look forward to excellent, culturally tailored care.

Did you discover any barriers to education in your transplant evaluation? How did your transplant center help alleviate your barriers to learning?



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Thank you to Mayo Clinic for being one of the leaders on the cutting-edge of organ transplants. It is due to your innovative programs that so much has been advanced these last several decades. Being able to communicate with potential donors or transplant recipients in their native language or the language they are most comfortable in, is so important!

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