Join Mayo Clinic Experts during Transplant Webinar

Mar 14, 2017 | Mayo Clinic Transplant Staff | @mayoclinictransplantstaff | Comments (2)

You’ve been told you need an organ transplant. Now what?

Where should I go for my care?

How long will I be waiting?

Where will my organ come from?

How long will it take me to recover?

Who will take care of me?

How will my life be different after my transplant?

Do these questions look familiar?

If so, we’d like to extend a special invitation to “Transplant 101: Preparing for Your Journey,” a free, one-hour webinar with transplant experts David Douglas, M.D., chair of the Transplant Center at Mayo Clinic’s campus in Phoenix, Ariz., and Beverly Hansen, M.S.W., L.M.S.W., Social Work Manager.

03-14-17 webinar image

Dr. Douglas and Beverly will provide their best tips for navigating your journey to transplantation to help you feel confident in your care decisions and transplant preparedness. Topics include how to use the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients as a tool for choosing your transplant center, living organ donation, choosing your caregiver, common questions around cost, time away from work, recovery, and more.

The presentation will last approximately 30-40 minutes, and the remainder of the hour will be spent answering your questions; so get them ready! Leave a comment below with your questions for our transplant experts.

Registration is recommended, but not required.


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@mayoclinictransplantstaff This was posted today, about the Webinar, but it appears as if that webinar was on March 31. Is there another one coming up? I am post transplant but I know someone who is just starting the process and may be interested in this.
Thank you. JK


Hi @contentandwell - Very good question. This post is not new - it was updated this morning because one of the links changed and no longer worked. Sorry for the confusion! That said, a recording of the webinar is available if you'd like to share it with the acquaintance you mentioned might be interested. Here's the link:


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