A Donor Story: Alyssa & Allison

Feb 1, 2024 | Stacie Hammer | @shammer26

Friends Alyssa and Allison called it the “dine and donate double date.” The two friends, along with their partners Rudi and Jay, made donating blood part of their night out before going out to eat, choosing to come into the Blood Donor Center on one of the nights that it remains open later than usual.

Allison has donated blood regularly since 2017, but it was her first time donating at Mayo Clinic. Alyssa hadn’t donated in a while but wanted to get back into the practice, so suggested she and Allison bring their significant others with them to double the impact and double the fun. “My husband had never donated so I knew the social support would help motivate him,” Alyssa says.

Alyssa first donated blood at Century High School about 15 years ago during a free period. As a nurse, she has administered blood transfusions, so knows the impact that can have. “They are very essential to the patients that receive them. This highlights their importance to me,” she says.

Rudi, who was a first-time donor, has advice for other would-be donors. “Don’t be afraid. It was mostly painless and overall, a super pleasant experience. There is definitely a sense of pride knowing our donation is helping someone.” Veteran donor Alyssa agrees. “It’s 15 minutes and a small poke that can make a huge impact on someone’s life. After administering blood, my patients feel better almost instantly. It’s amazing to witness, and a huge gift that we all can feel good about giving.”

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