Support Groups

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group

Public Support Group
956 total results
Discussions (90)
Worst fear: I got COVID
My baby boy got sick with a cold on the 28th of November- was sneezing, coughing a little and had a low grade temperature and...
Last active: Dec 25, 2021
Paxlovid Rebound?
I tested positive on February 17 and started the 5-day treatment of Paxlovid that evening. By February 24, I started to improve and thought that...
Last active: Nov 11, 2023
Family member with COVID 19
I have a family member who lives in the Vail valley of the Colorado Rocky mountains, Eagle County to be exact. This area has been...
Last active: Apr 3, 2020
Im at a loss for words
i want to say something that might sound weird but thank you all im here after another sleepless night and finally i came across a...
Last active: May 23, 2023
Cat Scans and Post Covid follow-up
I have recently had Covid 19 ...again.. and this time secondary infections, one being pneumonia. I was treated according to medical standards to date and...
Last active: May 24 8:41am
Caught COVID twice in 90 days. This variant is worse than omnicron
Last active: Jan 11, 2023
Confused about Covid-19 symptom progression
Hi all, So I had a fever almost 7 weeks ago now. The fever itself lasted 2-3 days. Initially I had green/yellow phlegm but later...
Last active: Jun 6, 2020
Long Covid and Doxycycline: Inflammation Theory
I was given doxycycline and azithromycin last November for Covid/Pneumonia. I was quite ill with sore throat, cough, fever etc. I was also given Paxlovid....
Last active: Jun 24 8:27pm
Has anyone had chronic asthma due to Post Covid(Omicron) Pnuemonia?
I was in the hospital for 3 weeks, two years ago with covid omicron variant, took a bad hit on my lungs in which I...
Last active: Mar 12 12:29pm
2+-months with C19-like symptoms & recent relapse
Hi - I’m joining and sharing to learn from this forum & share my story. I experienced mild cold symptoms the last week of Feb...
Last active: May 8, 2020
Possibly autonomical dysfunction
Hi. I tested positive for covid on 1/13/22. The initial 2 weeks were not typical. No cough, no loss of taste, just minor body aches...
Last active: May 14, 2022
Why vaccinated ,mask, perfect health caught severe case from family?
Hi there: Hoping you can give some insight. I am 63 years old in excellent health (Prior to the positive Covid test), every level in...
Last active: Jan 14 12:02pm
Joint inflammation and muscle pain after COVID
Good morning, my name is Chris. Over the past two months I have experienced moderate joint pain to no excessive pain in my large joints....
Last active: Dec 12, 2023
Going Back to Work
I started having COVID symptoms on Feb 16 and was diagnosed with COVID on Feb 17. I am vaxxed to the max (5 shots all...
Last active: Mar 3, 2023
Do I have covid or is it some underlying condition?
I have a history of anxiety and wheezing from smoking. My very close friend who i hang around alot tested positive for covid. So my...
Last active: Dec 13, 2020
Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid
Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back...
Last active: 4 days ago
Being proactive, I got all the vaccines-pneumonia, shingles, flu, and the new updated Covid. I know I would have an exaggerated response to these as...
Last active: Oct 29, 2023
Long-Term Antibodies, Both Vaccines , Now Have Covid Again!
Hi all. @thomason here just to let everyone know that I went to the appointment with the Covid savvy Pulmonologist here in Indiana. He said...
Last active: Apr 14, 2021
Not again, I’ve gotten Covid for the 5th time.
For those of you that have gotten Covid multiple time like me, I’m about ready to throw in the towel. At present, I’m waiting for...
Last active: Jul 21, 2022