8,736 total results
Discussions (459)
Newest Comments about my DRG stimulator, implanted 5 months ago
Hi, it's LoriRenee1. I thought I would do a final post about my DRG implant, in hopes of helping someone decide if they want a...
Anybody else have these weird symptoms?
I've had pins and needles on and off for the past year, started in the fingers and toes, moved to the hands and feet, sometimes...
My leg from hell,that's how I refer to my left leg. I have had pain in my left leg since falling off a loading dock...
Chiropractor to treat neuropathy?
I went to see a chiropractor to help with the nerve pain in my thigh. During the consultation I told her I had neuropathy in...
I Have PN In Legs. Now my face, arms scalp feel buggy too. Neuropathy?
Hello everyone, I feel like I have tiny bugs walking on my scalp, face, and arms. It’s driving me nuts. I keep checking for bugs,...
Neuropathy after TKR: I'm 68 and fearful of future
I had knee replacement 8 weeks ago. This seem to accelerate neuropathy in both lower legs. Numbness, feels like feet are freezing, legs feel heavy...
Weakness in Legs Part Two
I had previously began a conversation on sudden leg weakness with diabetic neuropathy in the feet. Yesterday I was able to walk twice with no...
Anyone have experience with Baclofen for back and neuropathy pain?
My doctor put me on Baclofen to treat severe muscle tightness in my back. I have been on 5mg twice a day for about four...
I have seen 3 neurologist all have suggested I have physical therapy w
I have seen 3 neurologist all have suggested I have physical therapy for balance, but this has not relieved my numbness in my feet and...
DADS-M Neuropathy with Anti-Mag Antibodies...anybody else?
After 4 years of lower limbs weakness, I was recently diagnosed with Distal Acquired Demyelinating Symmetric with the M protein and tested positive for Anti-Mag...
Flaming Swords and Fireworks
Have you ever felt like there were flaming swords jabbing up through your feet into your legs 6 or 8 times per second - or...
Can Gabapentin make neuropathy pain worse?
I started getting peripheral neuropathy pain about nine months ago in my feet and hands right after I received a cervical steroid injection. I started...
Benedryl effect?
Yesterday morning I could barely stand putting on shoes. Last night I took two benedryl (diphenhydramine) to help fall asleep. This morning my feet, while...
Nerve damage and pain that isn’t neuropathy but feels like it.
Hello. For over three years I thought I had diabetic neuropathy. All the signs and symptoms, burning, stinging, numb areas, boring sensation. I was told...
Twitching in upper body (biceps) after axonal, length dependent diagno
Hello, recently diagnosed (Feb 20th) after EMG on left leg with axonal, length-dependent, peripheral neuropathy. Experienced numbness in both feet and twitching in thigh just...
PN Gone after surprise surgery
Have suffered from PN in my feet for over a year. Have tried all non-drug treatments such as B-12, R-ALA. topical creams with varied success....
Peripheral neuropathy and sciatica: What helps with the pain?
Hi guys, bear with me...Started out with cramps in shins and feet,then came the numbness, tingling. Hip pain = bursitis, cortisone shot fixed that, but,...
Anyone Tried Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy?
I went to Lancaster County Osteopathic and Integrative Health in Gap, PA to see if they could help with my severe neuropathy pain in my...
Numbness comes and goes
Does anyone have numbness along the calf and ankle on one leg one day and the other another day? I find when I elevate the...
SPR Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (SPRINT)
Hi everyone! The Sprint implant was recently recommended my son (17 years old) who suffers from severe pain on the bottoms of both feet from...