266 total results
Anyone have a neuroendocrine tumor in small intestine?
Are these tumors benign? I was told it is small and most was removed by endoscopy but in an area in the duodenum where surgery...
Can anyone share information about NET in small intestine?
I was recently diagnosed with a NET in my small intestine. Dont know much and some of the internet sites are freaking me out about...
NETs: Scheduled for small intestine resection: What to expect?
I was diagnosed with NET 2 weeks ago. I had symptoms of obstructed bowel which led to a CT scan showing a tumor in mesentery,...
Anyone suffered with diarrhea 3 mos after surgery small intestine NET?
Has anyone suffered from diarrhea several mos after intestinal surgery for NET.
Intestinal Blockage with NETs: Anyone else?
Diagnosed with NETS, small intestine primary. Now susceptable to intestinal blockages. I am day 43 after recent intestinal blockage surgery and system is slow to...
Hello @latricebj and welcome to Mayo Connect. Here is some information on all of the functions...
What do I need to know about NETS?
What do I need to know about NETS? I would like to know about this cancer. it started in small intestine and has gone to...
Pain control using a heating pad
I would like to know if it’s safe to use a hearing pad to relieve back pain due to a NET in the small intestine....
NET in illeum, surgery or proper nutrition?!
I have been diagnosed with a small NET (6mm)in illeum of small intestine. I have a nutritionist friend who claims I can kill cancer cells...
Treatment for GI NET with liver mets not working: Options?
had a tumor removed from small intestine 5/2022.that metastasis to the liver started octretide shots every 28 days,shots did not work very well with the...
Hello @bubbles2023. You will notice I have moved your post, and the replies, into an existing...
Results from MRI confusing: Is it NETs or not?
Because of diarrhea issues an endoscopy was preformed and the doctor found something suspicious in the small intestine. Biopsy results said it was indeed a...