Support Groups

Head & Neck Cancer Support Group

Public Support Group
203 total results
Discussions (33)
Tonsil cancer?
Hi all, In January this year I developed a sore throat and noticed that a small hole had appeared near my right tonsil with a...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Jun 28 2:22pm
Enlarged Tonsil -- Cancer?
Had a sensation of something stuck in throat. Went to ENT 4 mos ago and was diagnosed as reflux (ENT did not scope). Got medication....
Last active: Apr 15, 2023
Tonsil Cancer from HPV
I discovered I had a tumor on my right tonsil in April and it had moved to one lymph node - I had robotic surgery...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Mar 19 9:25am
Tonsil cancer and metastatic SCC
Three weeks ago my 63 years old father was diagnosed with cancer based of the biopsy result on a tumor on his neck, after PET...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Nov 19, 2022
Just Diagnosed with Tonsil Cancer - How to Treat?
I've just been diagnosed with stage three tonsil cancer on Feb 22nd. 63 year old male. Have seen the surgical oncologist and the radiology oncologist,...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: May 14 6:17pm
Husband diagnosed with tonsil cancer: looking for tips and support
I am writing for my husband who was recently diagnose with Tonsil Cancer. He finished the biopsy and PET scan but we do not know...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Apr 4 11:41am
Just diagnosed with Squamous Cell Tonsil cancer without a biopsy
My husband had a sore throat for several months. He finally saw his internist who noticed a spot on his tonsil. He was referred to...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Jan 9 5:16pm
Did you lose your hair with chemo and radiation?
Did everyone lose their hair with tonsil cancer. Does it just thin or all come out for a man?
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Feb 9 5:46pm
Getting sick during treatment
My husband will be having chemo & radiation for tonsil cancer and lymph note spread. I am concerned he will contract some contagious flu/virus/covid as...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Jul 2, 2023
How soon did treatment start? Dental issues first
My dad was diagnosed with tonsil cancer the beginning of January and is supposed to start chemo and radiation but due to dental issues he...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Feb 24 2:40pm
How long after cancer treatment for bloodwork to go to normal again?
My husband had tonsil cancer, finished treatments so it’s been 3 months since done. Still has eating issues, dry mouth, throat etc. he’s still going...
Last active: Jun 1 5:42am
Oncology Dentist: Is it recommended to see a specialist?
Hi, my husband is 2 weeks in his radiation and chemo for tonsil cancer. He has seen our family dentist and he is not given...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Dec 6, 2023
Swallowing liquids after throat surgery and lymph node dissection
I had a second surgery three weeks ago to remove residual tonsil cancer and to remove two lymph nodes. I am struggling to swallow liquids....
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Sep 20, 2023
Recently diagnosed with cancer on left tonsil with swollen lymph nodes
The only treatment options i have been offered is chemo and radiation. Radiation 5 times a week for 7 weeks and chemo once a week...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Dec 29, 2023
HPV tonsil, throat cancer spread to lymph node chains & clumped
This has exploded out of the neck and is inoperable. First round of aggressive Chemotherapy was given. Extreme fatigue has resulted while waiting for second...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Jun 16, 2023
Anyone have a severe earache and sore throat weeks after chemo and ra?
My chemo and radiation treatments for tonsil cancer ended on April 7, 2023. I expected to feel really bad afterwards which I did. Everything I...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Jun 11, 2023
Has anyone experienced a tonsillectomy and soft palate reconstruction?
Any experience or suggestions? I’m my wife’s caregiver. Early May 9th she was diagnosed with tonsil cancer. She made her first appointment within 2 weeks...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Jul 16, 2023
Test for HPV and cryoablation for tonsils
I came across Connect when researching for a friend recently diagnosed with cancer in one tonsil and one lymph node. I have read of the...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: May 17, 2023
Types of radiation therapy and chemo therapy combinations
Hello - my brother was just diagnosed with HPV cancer and had removal of lymphs nodes through right neck dissection and removal of right tonsil....
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Nov 27, 2023
Excessive mucous after throat cancer treatment: How did you cope?
My husband is a week post op TORS surgery for throat cancer,, at the base of his tongue, he also had his tonsils removed as...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: May 27 11:44am