Support Groups

Head & Neck Cancer Support Group

Public Support Group
484 total results
Discussions (34)
Getting frustrated with throat pain post radiation
Now 5 months post radiation. 33 treatments of targeted radiation plus chemo therapy for my stage 3 Metastatic Squamish Cell Carcinoma back of tongue R/S....
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Mar 30 3:35pm
Has anyone experienced a tonsillectomy and soft palate reconstruction?
Any experience or suggestions? I’m my wife’s caregiver. Early May 9th she was diagnosed with tonsil cancer. She made her first appointment within 2 weeks...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Jul 16, 2023
Complete laryngectomy
Hi @msherfinski here. I am about 3weeks post complete laryngectomy. Having problems swallowing and a lot of mucous. Constantly spitting in a cup. Does anybody...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Jan 26 8:56am
Late side effects from Cobalt Radiation for Nasopharyngeal Cancer
My husband had nasopharyngeal SCC. It’s been 40 years since 7700 rads of cobalt. The medical facility told us he was one of two people...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Mar 1, 2023
Throat Radiation After-Effects, Aspiration & Suffocating Mucous
I am a 61-year-old woman that finished the last of 35 radiation treatments last March 2020. Since then, I have had pneumonia and other lung...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Jul 26, 2023
Anybody that had adenoid cystic carcinoma in sinus cavity?
I had this tumor removed from my right sinus, and then radiation, it's been 2 years. I have such issues with congestion, ear feeling "plugged"...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Aug 7, 2023
Radiation-Induced Carotid Artery Stenosis
I am a 13yr survivor of neck cancer with late complications from the radiation treatments that cured my cancer. I have developed a thickening of...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Apr 15 8:11am
Tonsil cancer?
Hi all, In January this year I developed a sore throat and noticed that a small hole had appeared near my right tonsil with a...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: 2 days ago
Help, I think I have throat cancer?
2 years ago I had oral sex and shortly after I started feeling something in my throat like a lump and now I have difficulty...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Dec 15, 2023
Radiation side effects with H&N cancer. When will they ever end?
After receiving a full course of radiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma to the left tonsil area, lingering side effects had to be faced. My very...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Dec 11, 2023
Radiation therapy benefits after negative Biopsy and zero cancer
My mother at age 79+ had growth in neck in Dec 2020 and. She underwent surgery to remove the growth in neck and the biopsy...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Oct 18, 2021
Would you get a Laryngectomy or stay with a Trach? How to cope?
Hello members. I've had cancer twice. 1st one was if the left vocal cord. 2nd one was in April 2018 base of the tongue and...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Apr 14, 2021
13 weeks post radiation and throat pain continues
It has now been 13 weeks since my final radiation (33 sessions) for my Squamous Cell Carcinoma throat cancer on the right side base of...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Jan 27 12:18pm
Neck Dissection Lymph Node Removal/Sampling - Yes or No?
After being referred by my PCP, I saw an oral & maxillofacial surgeon on 10/21/22, who biopsied a small lesion on my tongue (which I...
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Last active: Feb 20, 2023