1,308 total results
Have you been evaluated for mast cell activation? My daughter suffered from SIBO, but the root...
Can stomach ulcer cause bad tenderness on ab skin surface over ulcer?
For a longstanding - but now and then, coming and going - physical pain problem a bit down from the lowest LEFT side rib (therefore...
constipation after prep
Colonoscopy prep did not work completely; 5 days later still no bowel movement. So doctor recommended mag citrate (whole bottle) and 4 dulcolax laxatives which...
Ongoing digestive issues after antibiotics
Hi there, I'm posting on behalf of my mum. This is her account so far: I had three courses of unavoidable antibiotics back in November...
SBS and stomach virus
I am 3 years post-op for a cecal volvulus. I had about 5 feet (135 cm) of my ilium removed, including some ascending colon and...
Any ideas on what having fatty stools is indicative of?
I am unable to have a bowel movement on my own, have a rectocele, had stool in my vagina, and an inability to digest food....
Need reassurance of symptoms:IBS, GERD, gastritis, sm hiatal hernia
Over the last 6 years I have been diagnosed with mild gastritis, sm haital hernia & possibly SIBO. Also GERD & IBS diagnosed 20 yr...
Gut Health, Diet, Intestinal Health, Leaky Gut and Beta-Glucuronidase
Hello, I have been doing a lot of reading/studying, and have come to realize more than ever that diet and gut health are key to...
Severe stomach issues five months after laparoscopic appendectomy?
For context, I have MCAS (Mast Cell), and a history of ovarian cysts and SIBO. A few months ago in February I had a laparoscopic...
No diagnosis but have had difficult 5 years of GI issues
I started having Gastrointestinal issues in 2018 out of nowhere. I was a healthy kid and up to that point a healthy teenager. I had...
Unexplained body Odor
Hello everyone! I really need help figuring out what’s going on with me. I have impeccable hygiene! But, I smell horrible at all times! Most...