770 total results
You need a new dr, a motility specialist. You need medications to increase the motility of...
I lost weight even while very constipated, but my condition was SIBO. While I'm not suggesting...
bborth I have had no surgery and am relatively new with gastroparesis. Articles I have read,...
There's a new motility drug out called "Amitiza", recommended by my Kaiser doctor. Check out the...
I think you're on to something. How's your motility? Do you have constipation or diarrhea? When...
Can Tortuous Colon cayse SI dysfunction/chronic back pain?
Hello. I have a severely tortuous colon and also suffer from chronic back pain/joint dysfunction. I believe the two are directly related but of course...
SMAS vs duodenal malrotation
Hello, My last post under SMAS had no reply, so I will try again. On 5/25 I will be having a diagnostic laparoscopy in order...
Levothyroxine Injections due to MCAS and allergy to oral meds
Has anyone else tried injectable levothyroxine due to an allergy or intolerance to oral options? I am hypothyroid and have been taking oral levothyroxine daily...
Is gallbladder removal scheduled for next week premature?
I have had severe upper right quadrant abdominal pain for several weeks that finally subsided in the past few days. In the meantime, I had...
Severe Esophageal Dysmotility
I have had acid reflux and indigestion problems for years. I’ve seen a gastroenterologist for years as well. I have a genetic problem that I...
Why do I have this strangest bowel management routine ever?
That's what I literally call it - my "routine" - and my family all know what it means. And I don't know of anyone else...