628 total results
Small Bowel/Ileocecal Valve Resection: 10 months post-op and no relief
In July 2022, I randomly had a partial bowel obstruction at age 22. I went to the ER and I was told that the reason...
how Do you maintain medical help when you have nothing?
My adult daughter is married to a real loser. He has addiction issues but she has stayed with him because he has terrific health insurance....
Plummer Vinson Syndrome
Has anyone ever been diagnosed with this? I also have esophageal webs and they have to do an EGD every 3-4 months to stretch my...
Frequent Pooping without Constipation or Diarrhea
Hello, My dad frequently poops, at least four times a day and around four times a night. But, unusually, he does not have diarrhea or...
Exhausted from digestive conditions
Where to start...? I’ve had many health problems my entire life. From kidneys, ovaries , gall bladder, appendix , IBS, Crohn’s, Gastroparesis, blockages, obstructions and...
Renvok side effects
I am a little quite weary about the side effects of renvok for crohn's disease.
FYI - New Mayo-published book on Digestive Health
I wanted to share that the 4th edition of Mayo Clinic on Digestive Health is available. Description below: "Chances are, you've experience heartburn, gas, nausea,...
J-pouch Removal?
Hi all, with a diagnosis of aggressive ulcerative colitis, I had a colectomy and an ileoanal anastomosis surgery (j-pouch) in 1983. Over the years I...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver-share your home remedies?
I'm a 74 year old female, 53 year Crohn's patient, treated heavily with steriods(prednisone) for 10 years early on. Now stable with Imuran. 2019 diagnosed...
Convulsions after fainting.
Has anyone with Crohns experienced syncope followed by convulsions? (Not seizures. I don't lose conscience. )
Ginnyodie.. Oh, this was in August, hopefully you are still here.. I was reading the threads...