628 total results
Crohn’s - Malabsorption
62-year-old male who had their third bowel resection one year ago. 150 cm of small intestine remaining. Pancreatic elastase level at 129. Calprotectin Fecal At...
Crohn’s and arthritis
My adult daughter has been experiencing a Crohn’s flare since 9/18. She had surgery in 8/19 that we hoped would take care of things. Since...
Acupuncture and Crohn’s disease
I would like to hear from people that have tried using acupuncture to treat Crohn’s. Did it help or not?
Crohn’s and inflammatory diet
My daughter has Crohn’s and has been in a flare for several years. She went to an orthopedist for severe back issues and he says...
Bowel Resection for Crohn’s
I have been scheduled for a bowel resection but I am very hesitant because there’s a good chance I will end up with an ileostomy...
Preventive surgery for Crohn’s?
Hi all,I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease about 15 years ago. The diseased was fairly mild until about 3 years ago where I started having...
Crohn’s disease treatment and hair loss
My daughter had a Crohn’s attack starting last fall and culminating in surgery this past August (2019). After the surgery her hair started falling out...
What biologics treat Crohn’s and what if they fail?
My daughter has Crohn’s and has used Entyvio and Stelara and they have not worked. The next choice is Remicade. What if this one doesn’t...
Crohn's Disease and Artifical Sweetners Effect
Artificial sweetener could intensify symptoms in those with Crohn's disease Promotes 'bad' bacteria and intestinal inflammation; findings may guide dietary habits in human patients Date:...
Diagnosed with Crohn's but having weird symptoms
7 years ago, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I was diagnosed based on symptoms, what the doctor saw in my colonoscopy, and inflammation markers...
@sandyjr I’ve not had any experience with Crohn’s disease but I am familiar with Acupuncture and...