19 total results
PV Itching Not After Bathing
There’s so much information out there about PV itching following contact with water. My question is simple—can the PV-related itching happen at other times of...
PV: terrible itching after shower or bath
I have PV and get terrible itching for about 20- minutes after a shower or bath. A 30-minute bath solves the problem. I hope it...
Hodgkin's lymphoma and itching and other side effects
I am inquiring about a family member who was recently diagnosed with classical hodgkins lymphoma. One of her first symptoms was itching along with several...
Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and skin itching
what can be done for extreme itching from myelodysplasia
Has anyone else experienced frequent infections and itching with CLL?
I had a respitory infection and took prednisone and Bactrim and started To feel better. Then every time I start feeling better and go out...
T-cell lymphoma: How to treat the itching and burning?
t cell lymphoma does CBD oil work for treating the burning and itching??
MDS-CMML-1: Anyone dealing with pruritus (itching)?
I have been diagnosed with MDS-CMML-1 and am experiencing bad Pruritus (itching) in the mornings/evenings and after I shower. Does anyone have the same symptoms...
Essential Thrombocytosis - what's your experience with Jakifi?
I am 74, diagnosed 3 years ago. Only on one baby aspiring daily. But, my itching burning skin is getting almost unbearable on some days....
Essential thrombocythemia (ET) and breaking out in hives: What helps?
I was diagnosed with ET 2 1/2 years ago. I am on 500mg of Hydroxyuria a day and 1/2 a baby aspirin, and that keeps...
Acquired Von Willebrand syndrome
I was recently diagnosed with Acquired Von Willebrand syndrome. I went to the hematologist initially because I was seriously concerned about massive bruising I was...