Mentor Teleconference - October 2017

Mentor Teleconference - October 2017

Wed, Oct 11, 2017
12:00pm to 1:00pm CT


Oct 11 we held our second Mentor & Moderator Teleconference
Topics discussed
1. Introductions Round Robin - 10 minutes
Tell us your name and primary group, and then answer these 2 questions in 30 seconds or less.
  • What aspect of your personality or skill set do you feel adds the most value to Mayo Clinic Connect?
  • What is your favorite past time or activity that helps you re-energize and reconnect with you? (feel free to upload pictures to show us 🙂
2. Creating the Kitchen Table Talk - 10 minutes
How to successfully move conversations from one-on-one to include everyone at the table.
Open discussion about what's working well in your groups and what you'd like to see improve. Let's focus on the social interactions for this discussion and the technology as secondary.
3. Working Better Together - 10 minutes
Shifting roles and responsibilities of the Moderators. What does this mean to Mentors?
What resource, tool or support would like to have to help you in your role as a Mentor?
4. New stuff and ideas: Show and tell - 10 minutes
What's new on Connect? What's coming?
Member Spotlight - a new feature, looking for writers
5. Final Thoughts - 10 minutes
Open discussion
Any of the topics above could take the full hour to discuss. I encourage you to start the conversation here to help us focus our discussion during the teleconference. As always, these are ongoing discussions. I welcome your thoughts.

@colleenyoung, (trying to not use names) I've been super busy and playing catch-up. I will attempt to review the presentation this evening. Thank you for all that you do for so many people.

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HaHaHa I know gOOgle is watching;-)Love are making me laugh out loud!


@colleenyoung, (trying to not use names) I've been super busy and playing catch-up. I will attempt to review the presentation this evening. Thank you for all that you do for so many people.

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I understand, Von. Sometimes wonder if Big Brother is really Google!


@colleenyoung, (trying to not use names) I've been super busy and playing catch-up. I will attempt to review the presentation this evening. Thank you for all that you do for so many people.

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@vdouglas You are welcome. Have you ever thought of searching in private mode?



@colleenyoung, (trying to not use names) I've been super busy and playing catch-up. I will attempt to review the presentation this evening. Thank you for all that you do for so many people.

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Von (@vdouglas), I don't blame you a bet. Lots of search adware, malware out and about the Internet. Jen has a good suggestion to limit some of the tracking of what you are looking for, use private browsing. Here's a link to how to enable private browsing on any web browser:

Here's another tidbit of info - Google tracks everything you do. Here's how to erase it.

I'm not a big fan of continually seeing ads for days after I searched for something, especially when it's some technogadget I'm craving.



@colleenyoung, (trying to not use names) I've been super busy and playing catch-up. I will attempt to review the presentation this evening. Thank you for all that you do for so many people.

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Thanks Jen so nice of you. I was mostly joking but I will check it out.


Teresa, I'm so glad that you set the ball in motion here to get the teleconference discussions started before Wednesday. I invite others to share their thoughts on my questions above, especially those of you who cannot make the call: @johnbishop, @vdouglas and @llwortman.

Kitchen Table Talk
I like Teresa's example of kitchen table talk (
@mentioning everyone in your group works well for small burgeoning groups. However as groups get larger, this may no longer tenable. But you can @mention a subset of members. Inviting multiple people to discussions gives everyone the confidence (even lurkers) to contribute. It recognizes that everyone has something valuable to add. This also eliminates any one person being the sole person responding to every post.

I call this kitchen table talk. I often use analogies of in-person situations when referring to online communities. A large group sitting around the dining room table or kitchen table offers a great visual. Around a table everyone jumps into the fray. You might start a one-on-one conversation with the person next to you. Then someone across the table joins in, making it a 3-way conversation. Naturally as more people join in, you also listen and jump in only where and when you have something to contribute. The onus is not on you to respond to each person after they have spoken. That would be weird at a kitchen table wouldn't it? I look forward to discussion the inherent risks in that behavior and how to encourage healthy kitchen table talk.

What is working well in your groups?

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@predictable, Frogs are another great indicator of how well or poorly an environment is. They are super sensitive to pollutants. I am happy to say; we have a bumper crop of every kind of frog and toad where I live. We saw a big batch of fresh hatchlings just last night on our walk. There were itty bitty frogs all over the sidewalk!


My Contribution to the pre teleconference

1. Introduction Round Robin
My name is Rosemary Huckleberry, I live in central Kentucky. I follow Transplant Group and the Visiting Mayo Clinic Group. I also venture into other groups, that are within my experience/comfort level.-Kidney, autoimmune, PICS.
- aspects of personality/skill - I have been on the terrifying and complicated journey to organ failure. Liver failure caused kidney failure. I think that I understand the fear that exists behind the words in the written messages that are posted. I don't want them to feel alone. And I also try to be sensitive to the painful reality that not everyone will have success.
-my favorite past time/activity - I knit/crochet - I have started a Prayer Shawl group at my church. I enjoy the challenge of knitting a sweater. A spiritual joy for me is to be able to play my violin at mass on Sunday mornings (after putting it away for years). Working thru difficult pattern instructions, practicing difficult music passages, and working Sudoku puzzles are challenges that "I can" work thru - and I get a great sense of accomplishment. My favorite is being outdoors, and an annual hiking vacation.

2. Creating Table Talk - I am experiencing a 'hit and miss' with this. Sometimes questions get response. Tagging other members does seem to help. I also notice occasional 'likes' from silent members.
-What's working well - I have noticed 3 distinct categories members in transplant. 1) "Seekers" those with a specific question - get answer, and go silent. 2) "Supporters" - on/off participation, with a few terrific regulars. 3) "Seekers/Supporters" - looking for information and are supporting others at the same time.
I would welcome more of a supporting involvement by the caregivers and living donors.

And any technology is beyond me even knowing what to ask! I still am burdened with my 2-finger keyboarding! And this week, I just realized last week, that I can click on the Mayo shields at the you of page to access the Mayo information that I sometimes need. This may have been mentioned previously, but....


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@rosemarya , You two are adorable!


Hi everyone,
So great to connect with all of you today and hear your voices.
Here is a link to the slides that I presented.
In the notes of each slide, I have provided additional information and links that you may find useful or interesting.

To listen to the meeting, use this link (Please skip the first 3:00 minutes.)

Please let me know if you have any trouble opening these files. I know that we didn’t have enough time to cover everything in our call today. Let’s use the Mentors and Moderators group to continue the conversation. I’ll be posting quite a bit of information over the next day or two. Exciting news to share and always interested in your ideas and sharing tips.

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Hi, Colleen @colleenyoung
You or someone else asked what we thought about more frequent meetings. I regret missing the teleconference, but I plan to go to the links you provided to catch up.

I didn't realize at the time of our conference call when I discussed with you my becoming a mentor that our call wasn't covered by my cell plan, and I just found a charge for $23.52 on my bill. I think that a monthly meeting that would cost me that much and more wouldn't be in my budget. So, I can't make a commitment to that.


Hi everyone,
So great to connect with all of you today and hear your voices.
Here is a link to the slides that I presented.
In the notes of each slide, I have provided additional information and links that you may find useful or interesting.

To listen to the meeting, use this link (Please skip the first 3:00 minutes.)

Please let me know if you have any trouble opening these files. I know that we didn’t have enough time to cover everything in our call today. Let’s use the Mentors and Moderators group to continue the conversation. I’ll be posting quite a bit of information over the next day or two. Exciting news to share and always interested in your ideas and sharing tips.

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Jim, I will write to you privately about covering the cost for our call last month. It would appear that you get charged for incoming calls, which I thought was a thing of the past.

The teleconference uses a toll free 1-800 number. Do you get charged by your mobile provider for calling toll-free numbers?


Hi everyone,
So great to connect with all of you today and hear your voices.
Here is a link to the slides that I presented.
In the notes of each slide, I have provided additional information and links that you may find useful or interesting.

To listen to the meeting, use this link (Please skip the first 3:00 minutes.)

Please let me know if you have any trouble opening these files. I know that we didn’t have enough time to cover everything in our call today. Let’s use the Mentors and Moderators group to continue the conversation. I’ll be posting quite a bit of information over the next day or two. Exciting news to share and always interested in your ideas and sharing tips.

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Colleen @colleenyoung - I don't understand why there was a charge. I remember now that you gave me a toll free number.


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