Zoledronic Acid (Reclast) can I have just one infusion?

Posted by andreamayo @andreamayo, Feb 4 10:12pm

I had a Zoledronic Acid infusion 2 weeks (feeling fine). My spine average is -3.7 with my L3 at -4.2. I am a 56 yr old, otherwise fit and healthy, post menopausal woman. Wondering, if my scores improve by next year with weight training, can I stop getting infusions or will I get worse if I stop the drug?
Would I get worse because I took Zoledronic Acid and stopped, or just get worse as if I hadn't taken it all?
I'm wondering if I've taken a "no looking back" drug.
I hope my question makes sense.
Thank you,

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Hi Andrea - thanks for sharing as at 58 yrs, my breast cancer drug, Letrozole has put me deep into osteoporosis similar to you and I'm started with weekly oral pill, Fosamax. If it doesn't get absorbed I will switch to IV Reclast but I'm very worried as Reclast seems bit more harsh. Please keep us posted on how your are feeling one month after your first Reclast infusion. Is this an annual infustion? xo

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I had the infusion on January 20th. It’s an annual infusion.
Feeling great, no side effects thankfully. 😅


I've had 3 reclast infusions (2019, 2021, 2023). I was sick for several days after the first, mostly fatigue and joint pain, and 1.5 days for the last two. Those were the only reactions. My osteoporosis was not severe, but it did reverse/stop bone loss. I also do weights and other resistance exercises and take calcium and magnesium citrate. A friend has been on reclast pills for a few years for fairly severe osteoporosis; negative effect is mainly loss of smell and taste. I'd rather be sick for a few days then take pills (the infusion lasts for more than a year at resorbing calcium into bones).

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Hi Kay,
I also have had several Reclast infusions with no side effects. If you want to call fatigued for a day as a side effect, I experienced that.

I am curious as to the dosage of calcium and magnesium citrate you take. I have hypothyroidism and was told not to worry about calcium supplements but I did not get a straight answer from my endocrinologist. Next visit, I will ask again.

Feel good!


Hi Kay,
I also have had several Reclast infusions with no side effects. If you want to call fatigued for a day as a side effect, I experienced that.

I am curious as to the dosage of calcium and magnesium citrate you take. I have hypothyroidism and was told not to worry about calcium supplements but I did not get a straight answer from my endocrinologist. Next visit, I will ask again.

Feel good!

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I just take a multivitamin calcium/magnesium pill every day for mpost-menopausal women (Aliive brand). It is better absorbed as a citrate. It plus D3 brings my blood calcium levels up to normal range. I have celiac along with being hypothyroid.


I had a Reclast infusion in November 2023. Now, my endodontist says I need a root canal. Is it safe to have this dental procedure and what might be some ramifications?


Hi Kay,
I also have had several Reclast infusions with no side effects. If you want to call fatigued for a day as a side effect, I experienced that.

I am curious as to the dosage of calcium and magnesium citrate you take. I have hypothyroidism and was told not to worry about calcium supplements but I did not get a straight answer from my endocrinologist. Next visit, I will ask again.

Feel good!

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I take just 200 mg a day of New Roots - Strong Bones. It has a lot of important nutrients in it for bone health, the suggested dose is 6 capsules a day but I only take 2 capsules.
I track my calcium on the Cronometer app and 200mg usually brings me up to 1200 mg/day.


I had a Reclast infusion in November 2023. Now, my endodontist says I need a root canal. Is it safe to have this dental procedure and what might be some ramifications?

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There is a wait after a reclast infusion to ensure there won't be associated jaw problems. I imagine you told your endodontist about your infusion. My doctor said to wait at least 2 months before any dental work other than cleaning.


I had a Reclast infusion in November 2023. Now, my endodontist says I need a root canal. Is it safe to have this dental procedure and what might be some ramifications?

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I was told a root canal was fine to do. I had the same question 😊 but check with your doctor.


I have not had my first infusion yet. I did go to my dentist first. She told me I have a hairline fracture in one tooth so it might be best to do a root canal prior to the infusion. Next, I called my dr and his PA called back and said it was ok to do with the infusion. But the PA is having my endocrinologist call me back to discuss it.


I have not had my first infusion yet. I did go to my dentist first. She told me I have a hairline fracture in one tooth so it might be best to do a root canal prior to the infusion. Next, I called my dr and his PA called back and said it was ok to do with the infusion. But the PA is having my endocrinologist call me back to discuss it.

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Did the dentist mention anything about the hairline fracture may cause the tooth to break during a root canal? That was my issue - the concern is if the tooth cracks they may need to pull it and that’s messing with the bone. I believe the biggest problem with dental work is when the jaw bone is involved. It is when the bone needs to repair itself that some of the infusions will block the ability for repair.


No, I don’t think the fracture is that bad. My dentist just thought it might be best to take care of now. She’s been watching this for a while.

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