Zoledronic Acid (Reclast) can I have just one infusion?

Posted by andreamayo @andreamayo, Feb 4 10:12pm

I had a Zoledronic Acid infusion 2 weeks (feeling fine). My spine average is -3.7 with my L3 at -4.2. I am a 56 yr old, otherwise fit and healthy, post menopausal woman. Wondering, if my scores improve by next year with weight training, can I stop getting infusions or will I get worse if I stop the drug?
Would I get worse because I took Zoledronic Acid and stopped, or just get worse as if I hadn't taken it all?
I'm wondering if I've taken a "no looking back" drug.
I hope my question makes sense.
Thank you,

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.

Reclast is not like the bone building osteoporosis meds that have rapid loss of bone after stopping; those must be followed up with either the same or another med for protection. But when you stop doing Reclast you will go back to losing bone density at about the same rate your numbers were dropping before treatment.

But I want to mention something else -
If you happen to get breast cancer and it metastasizes to the bone (typical site for metastasis) it can be a problem if you have untreated osteoporosis. There is research that “suggest that . . . untreated osteoporosis is associated with accelerated progression of bone metastasis when it occurs.” (See link) My cancer center rheumatologist said that when bone loss is greater than what is being built back, the cancer has a better chance to move into the bone and start growing.

I put off taking oral alendronate for years because of expected stomach problems. Finally took it, couldn’t tolerate it. I was ready to schedule Reclast when I found out I had breast cancer. It caused me more anxiety waiting for the pathology and scan reports knowing if I was at a more advanced stage, having untreated osteoporosis might make it worse. Luckily I didn’t, and I don’t. But I now think how dumb it was to not just take care of the osteoporosis when it was first recommended.


@andreamayo is there a reason you are taking Reclast and not a bone builder like Tymlos, Forteo or Evenity? Are you seeing an endocrinologist? With your DEXA scores, starting with a bone builder is what my doctor does and what is recommended in what I have heard, read and watched. Then you "lock in" gains with Reclast.

Another issue is that if you do Reclast first, the bone building drugs' effectiveness may be affected. You have only done one infusion so maybe you can switch.

Good resources for info are McCormick's new book "Great Bones" and Dr. Ben Leder's video on YouTube "Combinations and Sequencing." But having an expert doc is really important too.


@andreamayo is there a reason you are taking Reclast and not a bone builder like Tymlos, Forteo or Evenity? Are you seeing an endocrinologist? With your DEXA scores, starting with a bone builder is what my doctor does and what is recommended in what I have heard, read and watched. Then you "lock in" gains with Reclast.

Another issue is that if you do Reclast first, the bone building drugs' effectiveness may be affected. You have only done one infusion so maybe you can switch.

Good resources for info are McCormick's new book "Great Bones" and Dr. Ben Leder's video on YouTube "Combinations and Sequencing." But having an expert doc is really important too.

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My doctor referred me to an Osteoporosis Clinic in the city so I thought I was in the best hands.
He didn't mention any bone building drugs. He is a very young Geriatrician and an Internal Medicine Physician. He suggested only Zoledronic Acid.
Do you think I should I ask for a referral to an endocrinologist?
Thank you for your advice, I will check out the sources you mention.


My doctor referred me to an Osteoporosis Clinic in the city so I thought I was in the best hands.
He didn't mention any bone building drugs. He is a very young Geriatrician and an Internal Medicine Physician. He suggested only Zoledronic Acid.
Do you think I should I ask for a referral to an endocrinologist?
Thank you for your advice, I will check out the sources you mention.

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Yes I would go to an endocrinologist, and I hope you can get in before another Reclast.

Primary care/internists tend to see bisphosphonates or Prolia as "front line" meds, mainly because insurance policies often require failing them before going on the bone builders. If you read McCormick's book or view the Leder video you will see that insurance is the problem and needs to change. Your doctor may be able to use your DEXA scores to get insurance authorization for a bone-builder. Keep us posted!


I will try to get a referral to an endocrinologist , I'm in Canada so "bone builders" may be covered, I'll find out more. I did have to pay $400.00 for the Zoledronic Acid infusion and that is fine with me.
So much to learn.
Thank you


I will try to get a referral to an endocrinologist , I'm in Canada so "bone builders" may be covered, I'll find out more. I did have to pay $400.00 for the Zoledronic Acid infusion and that is fine with me.
So much to learn.
Thank you

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I am in canada and my zoledronic acid is covered if you get the ready to use one. I see an endocrinologist. I am having my 3rd infusion this June. I had a spinal fracture and because of multiple health issues I had to go on infusion.
Good luck to you


Did you start with bone building drugs first and then move to Zoledronic Acid infusion?


Did you start with bone building drugs first and then move to Zoledronic Acid infusion?

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My hubby's Endo last week prescribed starting Zoledronic Acid (Reclast) infusion and no Tymlos, Forteo or Evenity because of other health issues. Important to consider complete health history.


I haven't had any bone building drugs prior, Zoledronic Acid if the first drug of my life. I have no other health concerns but my spine is -3.7 with the L4 at -4.2.


My hubby's Endo last week prescribed starting Zoledronic Acid (Reclast) infusion and no Tymlos, Forteo or Evenity because of other health issues. Important to consider complete health history.

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@grrranny I have many health issues, including heart arrythmia, and lupus, and was able to do Tymlos (adjusting the dose and ramping up) and am doing Evenity. I would get a second opinion!

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