Young onset diagnosis and mold toxicity

Posted by adriennet @adriennet, 2 days ago

Hi! I was just diagnosed 1 week before my 50th bday. 6 months ago, I was diagnosed with mold toxicity. I’ve read that mold is neurotoxic. My main symptom is tremors. I have a movement disorder specialist here in Louisiana, but I’m looking for someone who deals with young onset and can consider the mold toxicity as a factor. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome! I am contemplating traveling to Rochester. This is scary but I am strong!

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Hi, @adriennet. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I'm glad to hear you're strong despite these diagnoses.

You could request an appointment, pointing out the specializations you would like, using this URL:

Another option to consider would be to start with a virtual visit, since you live a number of hours from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Mayo Clinic welcomes both new and existing patients for virtual and in-person care in adherence with federal and state executive orders and guidance. Virtual care is available for out-of-state patients if the provider you are seeing is licensed in the state where you live.

Video and phone visits can be great options for appointments before, after or in place of face-to-face care. Appointment coordinators will recommend a virtual visit if it best fits your needs.

Here is more information and how to get started with submitting an appointment request:

Did your movement disorder specialist in Louisiana think there might be a connection between mold toxicity and the young onset diagnosis? I'm guessing your young onset diagnosis is Parkinson's disease, but not certain. Is that correct?

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