World Head and Neck Cancer Day on July 27

Posted by Maureen, Alumna Mentor @alpaca, Feb 25, 2018

Do you "celebrate" it? We had a stall at a local hospital last year and tweeted out photos. We shared our pictures with head and neck groups around the world and tried to spread the word for HPV vaccinations. This year we will have a stall at our biggest hospital and will join forces with an Australian group called Beyond Five. Our aim to raise awareness. Make people realise there are people out there to support them.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Head & Neck Cancer Support Group.

I hadn’t heard of it before! Sounds like you have a great day planned. I can’t wait to hear how it goes!


Michael Douglas was at the first announcement of WHNCD. I'll find you the link sometime soon. It's a big thing in the UK, Australia and now little old New Zealand. We can raise awareness of the disease so people know about warning signs, promote HPV vaccinations and generally catch up with our friends in the three countries online. It seems strange but it was fun last year. There's a camaraderie with fellow patients, carers and health professionals. I have none of the feminine arts but other people made burgundy and ivory ribbons and we had a pull up banner designed by us and made by one of our hospitals.


@adriennef Here are some docs about WHNCDay. We made these last year to send to hospitals inviting them to highlight July 27. This year we have an enthusiastic group in Auckland holding a big stall in the atrium of our biggest hospital.

Shared files

whncday2017 to send (whncday2017-to-send.pdf)

Invite to WHNCD18 to send (Invite-to-WHNCD18-to-send.pdf)


@adriennef Here are some docs about WHNCDay. We made these last year to send to hospitals inviting them to highlight July 27. This year we have an enthusiastic group in Auckland holding a big stall in the atrium of our biggest hospital.

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This sounds awesome!

I hope this link works. It's the announcement by Bill Clinton and Michael Douglas of 27 July as World Head and Neck Cancer Day.


I've mentioned it before - but we are counting down to July 27 - New Zealand, Australia, UK, India, Spain and maybe parts of the US. We are trying to raise awareness - early warning signs, HPV vaccinations and that there is support out there.


What events or activities will be you involved in to help raise awareness about early warning signs and HPV vaccinations, etc., @alpaca ?


We are planning a series of stories published on a local news website, a full newspaper story about HPV, a stall at our biggest hospital. Social media ... We are making ribbons - well I'm not but people are. The Australians have come up with an idea called Soup for the Soul - winter here - which we will copy. Ask people to hold soup events and donate to our Givealittle. Greetings Colleen!

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