Why are my symptoms returning?

Posted by klehker @klehker, 4 days ago

I've had Long Covid since fall 2023: mainly sleep disruption, extreme fatigue, palpitations, aches, chills, tingling, brain fog, abdominal distress. I have gradually but steadily improved except for a period after another Covid bout. Most of my symptoms have mostly resolved, except lingering fatigue and weakness. About 2 weeks ago, ALL of my symptoms returned. It's very disconcerting, and I'm trying to figure out why. I thought I'd simply been too active, but that usually just wears me out, and I really wasn't that active. Maybe I had Covid again and didn't know it? I had another Covid vaccination the week before my symptoms resumed, hate to think that could be causing it, never had a problem with vaccines before. Anybody else experiencing this? Any ideas? Thanks.

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I also have had reoccurrence of original symptoms after a vaccination. Luckily they calmed down after about a week. Has anyone experienced getting their COVID symptoms hyped up after having another type of virus? I recently had a cold. A week after I recovered from the cold, all my original long COVID symptoms returned -chronic fatigue, stomach issues, headache, lightheaded, brain fog. I’m still dealing with these issues and hoping they will calm down again soon.


Same thing happened to me. In 2023 I got Covid and then long Covid got a vaccination four months into it and then I felt worse for a while then got better than felt worse. Last year I was starting to turn the table got more strength so I thought well this is a good time to get the vaccine after I did I started feeling worse. Cannotprove one way or the other whether the vaccines made me worse but I believe it did. On the whole vaccines are very good but for some individuals maybe not so much. I have seen conflicting studies saying that many improved after getting a vaccine and then other studies pointing to prolong Long Covid symptoms after vaccination. So I don't know but I'll probably stay away from any more vaccines for Covid that is.

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