When using a nasal cpap machine, my mouth fills up with air ?

Posted by barbflynn @barbflynn, Mar 12, 2023

I've only been using my cpap machine for 5 days. I've noticed that sometimes my mouth will fill with air and it seems as if it wants "out."
Any suggestions? Am I doing something wrong?

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Not sure what to do. Happy to have found you all. I just started with my CPAP and am trying the nasal pillow. I find it okay the first time I fall asleep, but when my jaw relaxes and mouth opens, I find it a rather violent experience which then keeps me awake for hours. I try to fall back to sleep but if I start to my mouth fills with air or bubble exit my mouth. When I lose the seal/suction that keeps my mouth closed, it is a jerking experience when my mouth opens and air enters quickly. How on Earth does anyone manage with this? I hate the full-face mask idea but think that may be what I need. Have call into practitioner.

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I started off with nasal pillows and that did not work for me. The full face mask works whether I am breathing through my nose or mouth and I do not get dry mouth. The size and fit of the mask makes a huge difference. Small is too small and large too large so I seem to do best with medium. Had to change a couple times while trying what works best. It took me a while to get used to breathing with the mask on and had to adjust the straps to fit comfortably but not let air escape. I am now comfortable with using it every night and it does help me sleep better and not be as tired when I wake up. I have figured out how to change sleeping sides and even stomach sleep with the mask staying on and head tilted to side. It is a bit of an obstacle course for me maneuvering around my cats that all want to sleep near my head!😹 😂😹

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