When plans change because of health issues. How do you cope?

Posted by Ginger, Volunteer Mentor @gingerw, Mar 9, 2020

As a society, we look forward to our vacations, or trips, or social outlets and activities. What happens when we have to modify or cancel those plans, because of a health concern, or our own illness?

Recently I decided to cancel a planned for and highly anticipated trip, due to concerns over exposure to crowds and the coronavirus. I live in a very small rural town, and even heading to the closest "big city", that is only about 20,000 people. I had made travel plans last August, for this March, that's a sign of how excited I was. But I deal everyday with immune system issues, and just cannot justify to myself the risk involved. So, I will stay home, and work on my creative endeavors alone, and "watch" through social media, rather than be in a room with 50 other people from all over the country. Waiting to hear if my payments made will be refunded in whole, or not.

What have you had to change? How has your mindset been modified in light of your own health issues? How have you handled the request of an employer to do a business trip that might take you far away? If your plans include young children, how do you explain to them, how things might be different? With Spring vacations/trips looming on the near future, what will you do instead?

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I went ahead with my plans for Malta/Italy because I needed the mental stimulation of different places and sights. My husband could not go due to mobility issues, need for oxygen (before the great portables came out) and we found that cruises are great. We wash our hands as directed and have all vaccinations well before going. We have been fine. I have had an autoimmune disease (MCTD) for nearly thirty years and have managed around the limitations pretty well. I have come home with colds, before, but I wore a mask on the plane trips since Covid and all has been well. I change the mask out several times. Another traveler carries wipes for chairs, etc.

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