When do side effects of anastrozole begin?

Posted by meomurian @meomurian, Oct 28, 2023

I will be starting my first day on anastrozole and wanted to know when I should expect to see any side effects. Also, what time of day is best to take it?

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My side effects appeared after 4 months. At first it was just a tingling numbness in the areas where I slept on. After 6 months came the finger stiffness in the morning but went away after a few minutes of stretching. Now at 9 months, it comes back when I lie down. The joint pains are more pronounced but tolerable. I used to take it at night, but switched to morning. Not sure if that helps.


My side effects appeared after 4 months. At first it was just a tingling numbness in the areas where I slept on. After 6 months came the finger stiffness in the morning but went away after a few minutes of stretching. Now at 9 months, it comes back when I lie down. The joint pains are more pronounced but tolerable. I used to take it at night, but switched to morning. Not sure if that helps.

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Thanks for the helpful information. I’ve just been on it 8 days, taking it around 2 pm. No side effects yet, but good to know I might expect some later.


Hello..i had lumpectomy 2 weeks ago...
but what are "AI" ?

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Aromotase Inhibitors. Drugs that shut down estrogen in your body to help cut the chances of recurrence. Anastrozole is one.


Thanks for the helpful information. I’ve just been on it 8 days, taking it around 2 pm. No side effects yet, but good to know I might expect some later.

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You're welcome. Not everyone suffers side effects and I hope you won't. Best wishes 🙂


I was taking Anastrozole at night before bed. That's what was recommended. After about 7-10 days, I started with a slight ache in my teeth (or so I thought). I had been to the dentist for a cleaning with no other issues. So at first I thought the ache was that and used Tylenol to alleviate. But the pain kept building up stronger and longer over the next 2 weeks . Sometimes in my upper jaw, sometimes lower jar or both. It would come and go. But it built up to quite a point that I couldn't lay flat at night. Bearly slept for 3 nights in a lazyboy. Pain would build up and stay strong like 11 for a long period of time but eventually slack off and even be gone for a few hours. But it just kept returning and Tylenol was no longer helping. I was told to go off the Anastrozole and all the pain was gone within 24 hours with no reoccurrence. Now I've been prescribed Exemestane and just started it. However I'm terrified of what side effects this will bring.

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I too get pains in my jaw. Last year I tried Letrozole for 3 days and got most horrible pain in my ear (like an ice pick piercing it) and constant pain in jaws. It slowly stopped. Now that I started Anastrozole it has come back. I only take it every other day since that is recommended for older women. I find that hot compresses help.


Thanks for the helpful information. I’ve just been on it 8 days, taking it around 2 pm. No side effects yet, but good to know I might expect some later.

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Also, high cholesterol and osteoporosis are side effects we all need to watch out for. Make sure you get your base line cholesterol and bone density. That will help detect these silent side effects.


It has been 6 months for me. I take my 1mg Anastrozole at breakfast. I usually need a long afternoon nap. I usually wake up with numb, tingling left hand, but clenching, opening and closing helps. No pain. At 64, morning stiffness is there, but goes away once up and moving. I had an odd 3 weeks after my first 2 months- forgetful, loss of train of thought, inability to retrieve words and the wrong words coming out in my speech..like early dementia. That disappeared after 3 weeks. My doctor said he'd never heard of this side effect. Perhaps I should have described it as "brain fog" as others have. Make sure to keep up Calcium and vit D, do weight bearing exercise(walking is fine) to keep up bone strength. Also, I take Alendronate sodium once a week for previously diagnosed osteopenia. I did just get an Rx for a low dose estrogen for vaginal dryness, since that has been painful for any intimacy. Hope it helps. So, it's been less than a year for me, but I am tolerating Anastrozole well.


It has been 6 months for me. I take my 1mg Anastrozole at breakfast. I usually need a long afternoon nap. I usually wake up with numb, tingling left hand, but clenching, opening and closing helps. No pain. At 64, morning stiffness is there, but goes away once up and moving. I had an odd 3 weeks after my first 2 months- forgetful, loss of train of thought, inability to retrieve words and the wrong words coming out in my speech..like early dementia. That disappeared after 3 weeks. My doctor said he'd never heard of this side effect. Perhaps I should have described it as "brain fog" as others have. Make sure to keep up Calcium and vit D, do weight bearing exercise(walking is fine) to keep up bone strength. Also, I take Alendronate sodium once a week for previously diagnosed osteopenia. I did just get an Rx for a low dose estrogen for vaginal dryness, since that has been painful for any intimacy. Hope it helps. So, it's been less than a year for me, but I am tolerating Anastrozole well.

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That’s helpful! Good to know you’re tolerating it well so far. My doctor said that of the 3 different AI’s, anastrozole was the best-tolerated.
I have been on it 10 days now and experienced constipation and stomach pains. She said that was very uncommon and suggested I contact their dietitian. I have a
high-fiber diet and power-walk 45 minutes a day, so I don’t think I need to talk to a dietitian.


That’s helpful! Good to know you’re tolerating it well so far. My doctor said that of the 3 different AI’s, anastrozole was the best-tolerated.
I have been on it 10 days now and experienced constipation and stomach pains. She said that was very uncommon and suggested I contact their dietitian. I have a
high-fiber diet and power-walk 45 minutes a day, so I don’t think I need to talk to a dietitian.

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Ask your doctor about Exemestane.
But you will have to take some “vacations” from it.


I too get pains in my jaw. Last year I tried Letrozole for 3 days and got most horrible pain in my ear (like an ice pick piercing it) and constant pain in jaws. It slowly stopped. Now that I started Anastrozole it has come back. I only take it every other day since that is recommended for older women. I find that hot compresses help.

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Look into Exemestane.

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