What's going on this Thanksgiving?
This year I'm hosting Thanksgiving. It's been awhile since I've hosted. Since the pandemic I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving traditionally. 2020/21 were pandemic years and precautions. 2022 I was recovering from a knee replacement and 2023 I was recovering from a toe joint replacement.
For years Thanksgiving was mine to host. I love being the host. The planning, cleaning, decorating,prepping, cooking and then finally the presentation?! It's all fun to me.
I'm not a domestic diva, but I love hosting a great gathering. The part I love the most is the food. I spend time thinking and reading about preparing meals for a group. I like it to be different then what is traditionally served. That drives my dad nuts. For example for Easter we usually have ham. I don't get it. Why ham? So one year I served roast and another I served salmon. They were both excellent and even my dad was satisfied. I love watching people enjoying their meals.
I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. My parents are living. My dad's 88 and my mom is 86. I used to think I would live to be very elderly. I worried about being financially sound throughout my old age. I even assumed I would work well into my 70s. But this diagnosis is really doing a job on how I see as my future. Right now I'm very confused.
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@denisestlouie What a lovely photo of you doing what you love best. Feeding the people who you love. Thank you for sharing your Thanksgiving with all of us here.