What to eat when diagnosed with pancreatic cancer?

Posted by hotchick35 @hotchick35, Sep 30, 2023

What are the best food to eat when diagnosed?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.


You can find out if there is any pancreatic insufficiency which could be a factor in the symptoms. Learn as much as you can. I believe that when you learn more, you will be less anxious. You will also be able to better understand what your providers are talking about. A pancreatic center of excellence is key. The national pancreatic cancer foundation has a listing of the centers of excellence. If you have access to one of the top cancer care centers, this is also quite helpful.
Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minnesota
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Care Center, New York, NY
Dana Farber Cancer Center, Boston Massachusetts
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
MD Anderson, Houston Texas

Reading the posts in this discussion group give an idea of the wide range of experiences.

National Pancreatic Foundation

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

Lets Win Pancreatic Cancer

American Cancer Society

John's Hopkins University

Mayo Clinic

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Thank you. Unfortunately we live in the Caribbean. Our health care is not that advanced
Even though he's eating he's losing weight. Can anyone state what could possibly cause this??? Please


Thank you. Unfortunately we live in the Caribbean. Our health care is not that advanced
Even though he's eating he's losing weight. Can anyone state what could possibly cause this??? Please

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I lost 45 pounds when I got pancreatic cancer. I was jaundiced and my pee was dark orange. Once I got through chemo and radiation I stopped losing weight. I still take Zofran twice a day and I don’t have nausea. I take diphenoxylate atropine whenever I have diarrhea and it works like a charm!


<p>Why is it when I don't eat on time I feel low in my stomach similar to a gas feeling? Anyone can relate?? Thanks</p>

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Okay. Thanks for the information
If you don't mind what kind of chemotherapy did you do? Tablets and injection or radiation
Also what stage where you and did you have any lesion near the liver?
Lastly how long have you been diagnosed.


<p>Why is it when I don't eat on time I feel low in my stomach similar to a gas feeling? Anyone can relate?? Thanks</p>

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I was diagnosed a year ago this month. My chemotherapy was oxyplatin infusions over 6 months. Then I had radiation every day for 3 weeks. I had a chemo pill that I had to take during radiation. They did see a small lesion on my liver on the CT but couldn’t find it with ultrasound when they were going to biopsy it. I suppose that is a good thing but worry it will metastasize eventually. My current diagnosis is stage 3.


<p>Why is it when I don't eat on time I feel low in my stomach similar to a gas feeling? Anyone can relate?? Thanks</p>

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Okay thanks. God is good. He truly is. I hope one day they will find a cure


Thank you. Unfortunately we live in the Caribbean. Our health care is not that advanced
Even though he's eating he's losing weight. Can anyone state what could possibly cause this??? Please

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Pancreatic cancer is called a "wasting disease," meaning that patients typically lose weight, sometimes very rapidly, even if the patient is eating and the nutrition is sound. It's called cachexia, in case you want to google it. I lost weight at first because the dosage was too strong for me. Once the oncologist modified it, I began to pick weight back up. You and your loved one might try experimenting with smoothies, puddings, milkshakes and the like, things that are calorie dense.

Re the weird feeling in the stomach, I do get that. I have found that my body likes to be fed every 3 hours or so. If I go longer than that, I don't feel as good, and my stomach is a little upset. So, for example, I might eat breakfast at 7:30, snack at 10:30, eat some lunch at 12:30-1, a snack at 3-3:30, dinner at 6 and a snack at 8:30-9. It sounds like a lot, but I keep the quantities small.

I know you mentioned that you live in the Caribbean. Is there any way for you and your loved one to visit or relocate to Miami? There are some pancreatic cancer centers there, as I recall.


<p>Why is it when I don't eat on time I feel low in my stomach similar to a gas feeling? Anyone can relate?? Thanks</p>

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Thank you so much.
What stage are you if you don't mind?
My loved one has not yet done the staging through biopsy as he just recently found out through ctscan and mri

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