What is Your Experience with Anxiety?

Posted by Helen, Volunteer Mentor @naturegirl5, Apr 7 7:19pm

Many of us experience anxiety and most every day one of us writes something here about anxiety. I thought I would start a discussion on this topic.

Some have experienced anxiety all of our lives and others experienced anxiety when diagnosed with a serious illness. Some people have panic attacks. Some people have anxiety that affects falling asleep or waking up early in the morning and not able to get back to sleep. We can explore what anxiety feels like to you, what goes through your mind and where you think it comes from. It's all up to you. You might want to share what has helped you as a way to support others on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Your turn. What would you like to share?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.

For months I’ve been waking up every morning sweating, shaking, very nervous and very weak. Tried several anxiety medications wit no help. Currently taking 5mg Paxil and .5 mg Ativan twice daily. No help last most all day. HELP !


For months I’ve been waking up every morning sweating, shaking, very nervous and very weak. Tried several anxiety medications wit no help. Currently taking 5mg Paxil and .5 mg Ativan twice daily. No help last most all day. HELP !

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@janisjoplin6. Are you prescribed 5mg of Paxil for depression and anxiety? That's a very small dose and likely not very effective for the symptoms you are describing. Have you talked with your prescribing medical provider? I suggest that you write down your symptoms and the time and date you experience them. Then, when you do see your medical provider you will have that information to help them figure out what to do next.

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