What is your anxiety like?

Posted by mattkl817 @mattkl817, Jul 16, 2019

Hello y'all,

I have dealt with with anxiety for most of my life but have finally this year been diagnosed with GAD and panic disorder. Now that I have gotten the help I need I have been feeling so much better day to day, but sometimes when life gets tough it flares up again. One thing that I have experienced for years does not sound like the typical anxiety symptoms. I often get this sort of "brain fog" where I will have a hard time thinking, will seem very out of it, I will even slur my speech, and normally it comes toward the end of the day and I am fine the next day. I also get this weird thing where my eyes will feel dried out and sensitive, and I will blink a lot. It doesn't worry me as bad as it used to because I attribute it to my anxiety flare ups, but I was wondering if anyone else experiences anything like this, and if they have any methods to alleviate it.


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I would like to know too

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Hi, @trellg132 - wondering what your anxiety is like, when you have flareups?


Hi, @trellg132 - wondering what your anxiety is like, when you have flareups?

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Chest pain nervousness short of breath heart palpitations


@trellg132 So sorry to hear that you are dealing with this. Mine always manifests as shortness of breath.


Chest pain nervousness short of breath heart palpitations

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@trellg132 Have there been any recent changes in your lifestyle/where you live/work/personal relationships that might be a root cause of your anxiety? Have you tried mindful breathing, relaxation techniques, or activities that will change your focus away from the anxiety? What has worked for you? I know each person is different, and I can say that refocusing my mind, or getting some exercise, helps me a lot.


@trellg132 Have there been any recent changes in your lifestyle/where you live/work/personal relationships that might be a root cause of your anxiety? Have you tried mindful breathing, relaxation techniques, or activities that will change your focus away from the anxiety? What has worked for you? I know each person is different, and I can say that refocusing my mind, or getting some exercise, helps me a lot.

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I quit smoking had health issues stop doing a lot of things


I quit smoking had health issues stop doing a lot of things

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@trellg132 What does your Dr say about your anxiety? Are you feeling any better these past few days? Stopping a smoking habit can be hard on your system, and your anxiety levels. If you had to stop doing something due to your health issues, have they been resolved. Sudden changes can cause anxiety. What are you doing for it today?


@trellg132 What does your Dr say about your anxiety? Are you feeling any better these past few days? Stopping a smoking habit can be hard on your system, and your anxiety levels. If you had to stop doing something due to your health issues, have they been resolved. Sudden changes can cause anxiety. What are you doing for it today?

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I'm still having issues no something are still happen like the anxiety palpitations chest pain headaches haven't seen him since I quit smoking Thursday will be the first time


I'm still having issues no something are still happen like the anxiety palpitations chest pain headaches haven't seen him since I quit smoking Thursday will be the first time

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@trellg132 May I suggest you write down the things you are feeling, time of day, what you are doing, etc. from now until you see him on Thursday? It will help you convey your concerns, and perhaps show a pattern. Maybe if you try some calming thoughts, deep breathing exercises, get outside and walk for a bit it might help you?


@trellg132 May I suggest you write down the things you are feeling, time of day, what you are doing, etc. from now until you see him on Thursday? It will help you convey your concerns, and perhaps show a pattern. Maybe if you try some calming thoughts, deep breathing exercises, get outside and walk for a bit it might help you?

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I will try these things thank you very nuch


Thanks Ginger! Test today, hopefully my mind will be at ease after today!

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Hi, @mattmattkl817 - wondering how things have gone for you this summer so far with anxiety? Did you end up being prescribed medication or other therapy for it?

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