What does Delayed Gastric Emptying mean? See below.

Posted by mikejjb123 @mikejjb123, Oct 5, 2022

Have had nausea for 4 years straight. After many tests had a (NM Gastric Emptying Study) that showed the following:
Transit of radiopharmaceutical is seen from the stomach into the small bowel. The time of half emptying (T1/2) was calculated
to be 72 minutes.
Reference normal T1/2 values for gastric emptying of oatmeal are as follows:
Age 20-40: 10-60 min
Age 40-60: 10-40 min
Age 60-80: 10-30 min

Haven't talked to doctor yet. Does anyone have any idea what the above finding mean? It seems to me this may be the reason for my chronic nausea. Thanks, and any input or insight would be appreciated.

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You need to call this Doctor and tell them to explain it to you.


@mikejjb123 , hello. I can't tell you exactly what your study findings mean, I'm not a doctor.

But I can tell you about my own experience.

I was diagnosed with gastroparesis after weeks of nausea and the tests included a gastric emptying study which they said was delayed. I was already on a kidney disease diet and a diabetic diet and had to incorporate a gastroparesis diet as well but it has helped with the nausea. I eat 5 or 6 small meals a day, liquids or purees (like baby food) and soft foods like eggs, peanut butter, and take a ginger capsule three times a day.

Delayed gastric emptying may not necessarily mean gastroparesis, though, so @jcarndt has a great suggestion - get with your docs for answers.

Hope you do well.


I had the gastric emptying test recently. It was ordered by a gi nurse practitioner. Afterwards I was told it was emptying too fast called dumping syndrome. But we read the report and it said it could be. This nurse practitioner and the gi dr didn’t give us the truth. Went to see another gi dr whom I didn’t like and he said I didn’t have it. There’s certain symptoms which I guess I didn’t have. I’ve had nausea for about a year. My husband and I think it could be from my anxiety or the meds I’m on it for that. I had the oatmeal and I’m in the last group of normal. Our son thinks the anxiety and gi problems are with the vagus nerve. I’m waiting for my problems with the Gi and anxiety gets better soon. Hope you feel better.


@flow65 where did you have the gastric emptying test.. For the test one eats a "standardized breakfast usually" not eating anything the 12 hours before. After completing the meal (with nuclear traces) in at least the allotted time radiology stands you up for x-rays on a hourly but regular schedule.. mine was done at Mayo MN.. over 3 or 4 hours.. the results are a period of time (statistical data) compared to a host of others who ate that same meal and were then checked for the progression of that radioactive tracers through the GI system.. Your time for passing the tracers was very quick compared to that host of others.. Having that time be much longer than normal is an indication of gastropanesis, which I have.. and you don't want... damage to those hairnet like nerve system that operates the stomach reeks havoc with the GI system.. But understand that the symptoms vary for patient to patient.. how fast you eat.. how much you eat .. and what you eat makes all the differences.. your two doctors disagree.. go to a clinic with a credible outstanding rating.. get your Primary Physician to refer you.. good luck.. ken


I had the gastric emptying test recently. It was ordered by a gi nurse practitioner. Afterwards I was told it was emptying too fast called dumping syndrome. But we read the report and it said it could be. This nurse practitioner and the gi dr didn’t give us the truth. Went to see another gi dr whom I didn’t like and he said I didn’t have it. There’s certain symptoms which I guess I didn’t have. I’ve had nausea for about a year. My husband and I think it could be from my anxiety or the meds I’m on it for that. I had the oatmeal and I’m in the last group of normal. Our son thinks the anxiety and gi problems are with the vagus nerve. I’m waiting for my problems with the Gi and anxiety gets better soon. Hope you feel better.

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You sound just like me except mine take so long to empty. Thanks! I take a lot of meds for GERD and Ulcerative Colitis. I wake up with nausea every day. Sometimes it goes away and others days it does not. I did the oatmeal too. Please let me know if you find out anything else. Be well and Thanks again.


@flow65 where did you have the gastric emptying test.. For the test one eats a "standardized breakfast usually" not eating anything the 12 hours before. After completing the meal (with nuclear traces) in at least the allotted time radiology stands you up for x-rays on a hourly but regular schedule.. mine was done at Mayo MN.. over 3 or 4 hours.. the results are a period of time (statistical data) compared to a host of others who ate that same meal and were then checked for the progression of that radioactive tracers through the GI system.. Your time for passing the tracers was very quick compared to that host of others.. Having that time be much longer than normal is an indication of gastropanesis, which I have.. and you don't want... damage to those hairnet like nerve system that operates the stomach reeks havoc with the GI system.. But understand that the symptoms vary for patient to patient.. how fast you eat.. how much you eat .. and what you eat makes all the differences.. your two doctors disagree.. go to a clinic with a credible outstanding rating.. get your Primary Physician to refer you.. good luck.. ken

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Thanks! I did the oatmeal and your story sounds similar to me. I think it is the meds, but nobody can tell me why to any of my questions. Daily nausea is terrible and I'm at ropes end.
Take care and be well, Mike


@flow65 @mikejjb123
Mayo GI prescribed the generic Nexium and Mirtazapine to make me want to eat.. so meds help with the problem I have that was the result of a botched Nissan done at the local hospital.. that was 7 years ago and every meal is a challenge..


@flow65 @mikejjb123
Mayo GI prescribed the generic Nexium and Mirtazapine to make me want to eat.. so meds help with the problem I have that was the result of a botched Nissan done at the local hospital.. that was 7 years ago and every meal is a challenge..

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Thanks so much! Any and all info. is of a big help as doctors don't give me answers!


Has anyone taken Domperidone for Gastroparesis? It may be prescribed to me.


Has anyone taken Domperidone for Gastroparesis? It may be prescribed to me.

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Please let me know if anything works for you! Thanks

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