What do you look forward to once you lose weight?
Losing weight or planning to? What will you do that you could not do before?
There many great health reasons to lose weight, but their maybe activities you look forward to do that you can not do now.
I found this article from Mayo Health System - 10 activities to look forward to after bariatric surgery
There are some things on their list I would never do (zip line) but there are things on list I can do now that I could not do prior surgery. I took vacation a few years ago that included a day long horseback ride. I would of never of meet weight restriction prior to losing 100lbs.
What are you doing now or planning on doing once you lose weight?
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There are a couple of things on the list that I am looking forward to. The rest, not so much. The airplane seating issue is one. I have never had to use an extender, but it has been close a few times. I am just looking forward to being a little more comfortable in an airplane seat and not feel so self conscience about crowding the person setting next to me.
Getting into and out of the boat easier is another I can identify with. However, with my bad right knee, we will see if this dream comes to fruition.
I loved that I was able to wear a shirt and tie over Christmas, 2 weeks after surgery, without using a neck extender. Plus I could put two fingers between my neck and the top button with room left over. Wearing my sport jackets that I can button up easily was also pretty neat. I will attend a funeral tomorrow and and I am expecting my shirt and jacket be even better as I have lost another 10 to 15 lbs since Christmas.
Great examples. I can so relate to seat belt extender, I use to carry my own so did not have to ask stewardess for one. Sometimes needed one, others I was able to squeeze in. Now I fit nicely into seat with armrest down. Much more comfortable flight. Just which had more leg room, but that is everyone's problem no matter what weight.
Being able to look down and see my (blank) again. 😊
Buy a new wardrobe and go on vacation
Excellent goals! I kept wear loose fitting clothes after loosing weight because that is what I always wore. Then friend said "Go get some clothes that fit". he was so right. I was hiding under my clothes for so long, I forgot what it was like to wear clothes that fit.