What decision to make regarding osteoporosis

Posted by bettersleep68 @bettersleep68, Mar 6, 2023

I am going for my dexa in a few weeks..I am concerned it will show more bone loss..I am scared to start any of those medications and side effects..anyone else feel like this ...maybe just whatever will be ..

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.

I can only speak from my own experience. I am not a medical person. I had no idea that I had Osteoporosis until I had slipped on my ceramic tile in my bathroom. After I had cleaned up, I had sprayed air freshener but it all didn't evaporate and fell to the floor. I fell on my knees and broke my back/Burst Compression Lumbar I Fracture. For six weeks, the pain was so great I truly had wanted to die. The pain was so bad that I could not sleep, cry or move for about three weeks. When I went for my dexa scan there were things that the Spine Surgeon could fix but I could not have surgery until my bones got stronger. I didn't want to take meds either but I dont ever want to break a bone ever again. Taking meds are a risk but breaking a bone that you can't fix due to Osteoporosis is a horrible experience. The meds work differently on every person. I am on Evenity getting ready for the 8th shot. So far, it's been good. Please disuss with your doctor and other medical personel as this condition only gets worse with age.


@bettersleep68 We aren't medical professionals here on Mayo Clinic Connect. We can offer support and make suggestions on what to ask your providers.

Like you I was very nervous about taking any medications for osteoporosis. I had heard and read about all sorts of side effects that worried me. I had been active in weight bearing exercises including weightlifting for over 20 years when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I worked with my doctor who at first recommended I try Vitamin D in large doses for 6 months. I carefully tracked my calcium intake with both food and supplements. Still, I continued to lose bone mass according to the bone density scan. I reluctantly agreed to give Fosamax a try. Fortunately, there was no cost to me as that particular medication was covered by my insurance. I tolerated the medication well and had no gastric problems or any other side effects. I took it weekly for almost 5 years. It became my Sunday morning ritual before coffee or breakfast. After the 5 years, I asked had bone density scan. It showed that my bone mass had increased over those years and was now in the osteopenia range.

My mother had osteoporosis. She broke her femur at age 67 and never fully recovered. I knew I did not want my retirement years to be filled with the physical disability she experienced.

I suggest talking with your doctor about the choices of medications. You can take some time to decide what is best for you after you've done your research and had your questions answered.

When is your bone density exam scheduled for?


Thank you for caring and responding to my post..March 29 is dexa..I am trying so hard to just maintain my scores..take vit d and algaecal..hope it has helped...will know at end of month...thank you again


@bettersleep68 I'm hoping that your dexa score reflects the vitamin d and calcium you've been taking and that you bone density looks good. Will you come back and let me know what you find out?


Let us know your scores and make sure you see an endocrinologist. We are all scared of side effects but forum posts tend to be negative, so keep that in mind. Believe me, you don't want fractures. Like another poster, I have suffered horribly from spinal fractures and would endure many side effects to avoid them. I post to try to help others avoid that experience!


Thank you ...this is a scary journey..I hope we are make the right decisions


Thank you ...this is a scary journey..I hope we are make the right decisions

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It is so scary for all of us and I am so thankful for this forum and all the ladies sharing their stories. I am 64 and am seeing an endocrinologist from Stanford. My spine is -5 and I am very nervous about taking these meds but will be starting evenity soon.
Praying it works and my body does well with it.


@bettersleep68 We aren't medical professionals here on Mayo Clinic Connect. We can offer support and make suggestions on what to ask your providers.

Like you I was very nervous about taking any medications for osteoporosis. I had heard and read about all sorts of side effects that worried me. I had been active in weight bearing exercises including weightlifting for over 20 years when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I worked with my doctor who at first recommended I try Vitamin D in large doses for 6 months. I carefully tracked my calcium intake with both food and supplements. Still, I continued to lose bone mass according to the bone density scan. I reluctantly agreed to give Fosamax a try. Fortunately, there was no cost to me as that particular medication was covered by my insurance. I tolerated the medication well and had no gastric problems or any other side effects. I took it weekly for almost 5 years. It became my Sunday morning ritual before coffee or breakfast. After the 5 years, I asked had bone density scan. It showed that my bone mass had increased over those years and was now in the osteopenia range.

My mother had osteoporosis. She broke her femur at age 67 and never fully recovered. I knew I did not want my retirement years to be filled with the physical disability she experienced.

I suggest talking with your doctor about the choices of medications. You can take some time to decide what is best for you after you've done your research and had your questions answered.

When is your bone density exam scheduled for?

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I am amazed that you had weightlifted for all of those years and got Osteoporosis. I exercised through my 20's and rollerskated until I was 48. Many of those years were 12.5 hours skating per week. I have seen more people who were eating and exercising right but still had bone loss. I will be done with my Evenity shots in late July. I should have a scan done soon after that and hopefully I can get surgery so that I can fix my back. I can't stand over 5 minsat a time.


@bettersleep68 I'm hoping that your dexa score reflects the vitamin d and calcium you've been taking and that you bone density looks good. Will you come back and let me know what you find out?

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I am amazed that you had weightlifted for all of those years and got Osteoporosis. I exercised through my 20's and rollerskated until I was 48. Many of those years were 12.5 hours skating per week. I have seen more people who were eating and exercising right but still had bone loss. I will be done with my Evenity shots in late July. I should have a scan done soon after that and hopefully I can get surgery so that I can fix my back. I can't stand over 5 minsat a time.

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I was the same. I lifted since I was 17 years old and have always had a career where I am on my feet and walking. I have gut issues and wonder if that is part of it. Also had a stress filled life and quite a bit of sleepless nights. One doctor said that I must have never made strong bones from the beginning.

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