What could my doctor be overlooking? ANA 1:1280

Posted by shelbirae47 @shelbirae47, Feb 15 3:04pm


Posting on here in hopes that others have had a similar situation to mine, and may have some pointers on additional testing to request from my docs.

There have been times I’ve had swelling in my wrists/fingers, I get tested during these symptoms and inflammation markers are normal. I had back pain (that turned out to be a bulging disc) that initially made my doctor request autoimmune labs.

Any pointers on other rare autoimmune diseases my doc could test for would be appreciated. I was on Plaquinel for three years because of my low positive DS DNA test. The medicine did nothing for me and I’ve been off of it for over a year. My labs have since been normal even after stopping the meds.

-ANA: 1:1280 (Homogeneous) April 2021 (I had an undiagnosed kidney infection at this time)
-DNA(DS), Crithidia Titer 1:40 (normal value < 1:10)
-Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 Antibodies IGG, IGM IGA: high IGA 72 (normal < 20)
-Extractable Nuclear Antibodies: normal
-Cardiolipin Antibody: normal
-C-Reactive Protein: never elevated
-Sedimentation Rate: always normal
-C3 compliment: always normal
-C4 compliment: always normal
-Vitamin B12: always normal
-CBC/Metabolic Panel: always normal
-Protein in Urine: always normal
-Nucleated RBC Absolute: normal
-Rheumatoid Factor: normal
-Thyroid labs: always normal
-Smith Antibody: normal
-Uric Acid: normal
-Immunoglobulins IGG IGA IGM: normal
-Hepatic Functional Panel: normal
-Dilute Russell Viper Venom Time: normal
-Troponin I High Sensitivity: normal
-Borrelia Burgdorferi Antibodies (Lyme disease): normal

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

But, what are your symptoms? I see you mentioned “have had”…. But what are experiencing now?

What symptoms are you seeking help for?

I’ll go out on a limb here and make some guesses (please correct my terrible mistakes!!).

Possibly ongoing off and on joint pain, fatigue, maybe Raynaud’s to the fingers/toes? Any of those going on?

If so, let me humbly welcome you to the “Something Autoimmuney” Club!! I made up that club name, but there is a diagnosis (kind of) that we get called undifferentiated connective tissue disease that means we have a positive ANA but don’t meet criteria for a defined connective tissue disease (lupus, Sjögren’s, dermatomyositis, etc.). Keep in mind that criteria for connective tissue diseases are all research criteria- they were created so that subjects in research studies were all the same. In real life, providers diagnose based on their clinical experience.

So, taking me as an example, I’m just not sick enough to have lupus. Positive ANA, photosensitive rashes, Raynaud’s, joint pain, other things I can’t remember. But all my labs are totally fine and that’s honestly a good thing- I don’t want to have major organ damage in order to have a “better” diagnosis.

Anyway, UCTD is always a possibility with a grab bag of symptoms and a positive ANA and no other abnormal labs

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