What 43 years of MCTD has given me and I'm still smiling

Posted by mctd43years @mctd43years, Sep 28, 2023

I am not posting this for sympathy or pity. I am letting you know that we can survive most things that it throws at us and come out smiling, if we choose to. This has been my life since I was in my 20's.
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease with
Systemic Scleroderma - Pain, fatigue
SLE Lupus - Pain, fatigue
Raynaud’s phenomenon - Pain when cold
Sjrogren’s Syndrome - Joint pain, fatigue
Polymyositis - Muscle damage
Fibromyalgia - Musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, plus sleep,
memory and mood disorders
GERDS - Extreme heartburn, acid reflux, abdominal
or chest pain
Lichen planus - Itchy skin and painful sores in the mouth
Bursitis - Joint pain
Tendonitis - Pain, tenderness and mild swelling
Pericarditis - Pain (like a heart attack), weakness
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Mild- Joint stiffness, tenderness and
Osteoarthritis Mild - Joint pain and stiffness with movement,
bone spurs
Meniere’s - Vertigo, tinnitus, moderate hearing loss
both ears, 2 hearing aids
Sleep apnea – CPAP machine
Peripheral Neuropathy - Sharp pains anywhere, anytime
Incontinence - Absolutely no control
Hyperhidrosis of the head and excessive body heat
Heart - Arterial sclerosis, Angina and
Check for Autonomic Neuropathy - Suggested but not confirmed

Now that's just the big stuff, I have had 13 surgeries and waiting for a 14th for my 3rd Thoracic Hiatal Hernia in the same spot. Too many MRI, CT, X-Ray, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, etc. to mention. AND I AM STILL HERE AND SMILING, because I choose to. Your life is what you make it. If you are unhappy at home or work, fix it. If you want your life to be different, change it. You get my point. I chose to look past the diseases and pain and to live my life anyway. You can too. You can cry, shout, hit something, whatever you need to do to get the frustration out but always end up with a smile. You would be amazed at how it changes your life. Good luck and keep smiling.
PS: If anyone want to ask questions about any of these diseases just ask.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

@mctd43years Wow. Wow, wow! I love your statement about hitting something, crying, yelling but always end up with a smile. I constantly have chats with myself and they sure help. BTW are you part of an autoimmune support group in your community? I’ve often thought of starting one. Thank you so much! Becky


Hi Becky, I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I haven't found anything that I like here. This group is great and I am really enjoying it. I'm really not into gatherings. I find they can get gloomy if you have even 1 negative person. Glad you like the post. Keep smiling.


God Bless you mctd43years! WOW sweet lady. What a wonderful attitude. Praying for you as you move forward....one...day....at....a....time... You blessed my heart tonight!


I am with you…sorry you have had so many problems with your health…most fall into the ‘unexplained-medically’ or autoimmune disease category in the sense that they can be corrected with food…doctors put us in that category as they cannot explain where the disease comes from therefore they cannot heal it!! Ancient Greek philosophers said: let food be thy medicine & let medicine be thy food…we don’t have to be on the SAD diet any longer: the standard American diet. Good for you for having such a positive attitude as that is half the battle! The rest is food…I am not talking about majors like cancer & heart disease etc…gratefully Marianne!


Thank you for your post mctd43years! I got diagnosed in my forties but symptoms appeared in my mid twenties. I found that talking to other people about my symptoms helped tremendously and also helped me find some really amazing specialists! You may never know who else has same symptoms as you.
My friends always say that I am the right person to get MCTD because no matter what is dealt to me, I keep going and smiling through it all. But sometimes it’s hard and that’s why I appreciated your post. I needed a reminder to keep smiling because lately I have been crying and yelling to God for my constant upper respiratory infections. I am tired though of being sick for so long. Thank you for helping me realize that there are people out there with more issues than mine. 🙏🙏


Thank you for your post mctd43years! I got diagnosed in my forties but symptoms appeared in my mid twenties. I found that talking to other people about my symptoms helped tremendously and also helped me find some really amazing specialists! You may never know who else has same symptoms as you.
My friends always say that I am the right person to get MCTD because no matter what is dealt to me, I keep going and smiling through it all. But sometimes it’s hard and that’s why I appreciated your post. I needed a reminder to keep smiling because lately I have been crying and yelling to God for my constant upper respiratory infections. I am tired though of being sick for so long. Thank you for helping me realize that there are people out there with more issues than mine. 🙏🙏

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Dear Dee5, I totally understand where you are coming from. It would be so easy to just give up. But we are fighters and have great determination to move on and appreciate life. I hope you get better soon. Keep smiling.


Dear Dee5, I totally understand where you are coming from. It would be so easy to just give up. But we are fighters and have great determination to move on and appreciate life. I hope you get better soon. Keep smiling.

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Thank you! You too MCTD43🙏🙏

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