Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.


Good morning!
I'm Catherine And I am a chronic pain sufferer. Where do you start? In many parts of my body. But I recognize that it is a condition I can manage and I'm looking for ways to do that.

Have a great day!

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Hi Catherine @cwhittle2001! I like your recognition that your condition is something you CAN manage and your willingness to look for ways to do such. Kudos to you! Chronic conditions are really like our shadows were with them the rest of our lives. For me, it was important to accept that and then look for problem solving ways to live a better quality of life. What ways help you manage your condition? Do you exercise or use mindful meditation?


Hi Catherine @cwhittle2001! I like your recognition that your condition is something you CAN manage and your willingness to look for ways to do such. Kudos to you! Chronic conditions are really like our shadows were with them the rest of our lives. For me, it was important to accept that and then look for problem solving ways to live a better quality of life. What ways help you manage your condition? Do you exercise or use mindful meditation?

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Hi there Rachel, I use mindfulness and intuitive eating to lose 90 lb which helps with pain. Difficulty walking can't ride a bike and I've had both my hips and a shoulder totally replaced. But I'd like to get walking around the block again. I am working towards it now with short little walks and long ones that Costco lol


Hi, my name is John Kolkebeck. I am 66 y.o. I've had lower back pain for a large part of my life in part d/t poor posture and bad body mechanics on lifting heavy items as well as lifting and repositioning the sick & bed bound. Although I am trying to streghten my back and use better posture & excersize. I hope to get ideas and suggestions on improving my back pain.

Thank You,
John K

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Have you had an EMG in order to determine the cause of the pain/ Have you had an ex-ray or an MRI. I ask you this because you may be a candidate for an SCS (spinal cord stimulator). God bless you on your journey jokolk. Charles ka brotherchuckles80


Hello @catartist, welcome to Connect. I think you'll like it here! My favorite thing about Connect is the encouragement and support. It's a safe space to share be heard while gaining valuable knowledge about a plethora of topics. You're in good company with living a chronic pain journey - pull a chair up to the table.

Are you mainly curious to learn from others experiences? What motivated you to explore your first support group?

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I have asked about groups but Drs never had any suggestions ( I am in CT). Now I have this dissolving muscle atrophy situation and the tell me there is nothing they can do for me - nor any patients with this!!! How is that possible? It’s from daily steroid use for 40 years- others have done that! I am hungry for info about and to hear from others who are experiencing this. Thanks!


Hey there @trish70, welcome. I understand being so tired of the cards that have been dealt but what in life brings you Joy? There's got to be something. Glad you came to hang out with us here on Connect, I think you'll find a lot of good support that you're looking for. Thanks for sharing your picture, that always makes the experience feel more personal. You can add it to your profile as well.

What coping and Pain Management tools do you use to help get through your days?

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Hi Rachel, Thank-You! For reaching out to me.
I have no friends. I cry a lot. Just about every day. I’m on disability so I don’t work. The only time I go out is to go to the grocery store. I’m terribly lonely. I can’t afford to live on my own so I live with my mom. When she dies I’ll be homeless. That scares me very much. I take a lot of medication.
I guess I don’t really have any coping skills.
I have a lot of hobbies.. I make beaded jewelry, soap, I work with resin and Simply Earth oils. I journal sometimes. With insomnia I’m up about 20 hours a day. It gets very boring. All my life I’ve just wanted people to like me. But I am always putting my foot in my mouth.. it’s very hard for me to keep any relationship. I’m just so lonely…


Hi there Rachel, I use mindfulness and intuitive eating to lose 90 lb which helps with pain. Difficulty walking can't ride a bike and I've had both my hips and a shoulder totally replaced. But I'd like to get walking around the block again. I am working towards it now with short little walks and long ones that Costco lol

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As you already know from having replacements before, slow and steady wins the race.

You may be interested in the following conversation about moderation and modification:

Moderation and Modification - How Can it Help Chronic Pain:

Due to having a chronic pain syndrome, I couldn't walk from the living room to the kitchen but now with steady exercise like morning stretching, a strength and resistance exercise program, plus cardio, I'm able to maintain and walk about 20 minutes for my comfort level. Hey, Costco works! I like to walk in my grocery store, Lowe's and Target. Especially for the distraction when I look at all the things I dream of buying.

Mindfulness is such a powerful tool. So happy that it has helped you achieve weight loss. That is fantastic! Good luck with your walking progress. I'm sure no time you'll be conquering that block. Keep up the great work!


Chronic, severe pain can sap the joy from your life. I had my pain under control until about three and a half years ago, when it all came flooding back. Now, I am unable do just about everything that I was doing just three years ago: cycling, walking, working in my shop, sitting for extended periods of time, etc. I had a pain pump installed just over a year ago. It has provided no pain relief. With that said, I will continue to search for answers. I just had my old spinal cord stilulator removed. I will be getting an MRI in about a month. Hopefully, this will reveal what is going on in my back and buttocks that is causing such excruciating pain. Lesson: keep on looking. Don't let the naysayers discourage you.


Hello. I’m now 54 years old and have been dealing with Severe scoliosis since I was 10. Had Harrington rod surgery in 1980. Entire spine is fused. Have not grown in my torso since 1980. I have pain 24/7. I also suffer with depression, type 1 diabetes, restless legs, low thyroid, recently got a pacemaker, insomnia, arthritis in the spine and a couple other issues.
If I was a dog they would have put me out of my misery years ago. But no.. I have to live with all this every single day of my life. I’m so tired of it.

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I am so sorry for your situation. I wish I could give you a special answer but I cannot of course, All I can say is that I empathize with you. I do not have as much as you but do have constant pain. All I know is when hear of or see someone worse than I, I am so grateful and say a prayer for you or any others. That you you may have some relief and find some joy in this life. God be with you.


Hello. I’m now 54 years old and have been dealing with Severe scoliosis since I was 10. Had Harrington rod surgery in 1980. Entire spine is fused. Have not grown in my torso since 1980. I have pain 24/7. I also suffer with depression, type 1 diabetes, restless legs, low thyroid, recently got a pacemaker, insomnia, arthritis in the spine and a couple other issues.
If I was a dog they would have put me out of my misery years ago. But no.. I have to live with all this every single day of my life. I’m so tired of it.

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Hi Trish70,

Thank You for your reply. I'm sorry you have had to deal with such a problem your whole like. I have dealt w/ chronic pain to some degree or other since my 20's. I was never good in proper posture or lifting. Now I am 66 and am paying for my mistakes. I also had a fall off of a ladder/roof in Jan '23. I fractured 4 vertabrea - T-11, T12, L1, & L2; I believe they healed well, and were not near my lower back pain. I take Neurontin 600mg @ bedtime, Motrin 400mg once or twice a day (trying to avoid as my MD has found some side effects w/ Motrin. I'm trying to find some back strengthening exercises that will not mess up my lower back further.


I wish I had enlisted myself sooner. Fear is a major concern and I had been so very lonely in my pain.

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