Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Faithann: I saw an interventional radiologist. He did glue/blood patches in my spine that were useless. Research.


So I seen my Neurologist today and he's referring me to a Anesthesiologist Pain Management for my chronic migraines,. He said he's thinks these are Cluster Headaches ! He said he's thrown everything at me he can think of with no relief! have no clue what an Anesthesiologist can do for me ??? My regular Doctor sometime ago sent me to Pain Management and the doctor told me there was nothing he basically could do for me because narcotics makes migraines worse ! Has anyone seen an Anesthesiologist for Migraines or if it is Cluster Headaches ??? Just curious. Thanks

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Hello there @faithann64. I caught your post and thought I'd throw a thought your way. As I read about your struggles with cluster, and/or migraine headaches, I connect with you, having been there myself. May I ask how long your journey with headaches and attempted treatments has been?


Hi my name is Lynda. I live in California. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2000.for the last 9 months I have been dealing with severe back pain. Three months ago I started to have digestion problems along with numbness and horrible weakness in my upper legs. I AM currently waiting for tests that will not be done until the end of August. Nice to be here.

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Hello Lynda! Welcome to Connect, thank you for joining us. You have come to a great place for support, guidance, and to learn of others experiences.

I am sorry you are suffering from fibro, back pain, and most recently digestive problems, and numbness and weakness in your legs. My body has had a host of problems quite similar to yours. It's frustrating to say the least and creates a storm of confusion when trying to narrow down the cause.

Have you ever heard of Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS)? It is something that might be of interest to you to keep in your back pocket while you're exploring causes. Here is video presentation by Mayo Clinic's Dr. Sletten, on CSS. I found it fascinating. It helped me narrow down the overall root of my cause which was CSS. An umbrella to all of my diagnoses.

If you are up to it, would you mind letting me know your thoughts, and if anything from the video resonated with you?


Hello there @faithann64. I caught your post and thought I'd throw a thought your way. As I read about your struggles with cluster, and/or migraine headaches, I connect with you, having been there myself. May I ask how long your journey with headaches and attempted treatments has been?

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I've always had off and on again headaches. Some pretty bad, but I just brushed them off as headaches ?? But,, (Almost 16 months ago now). Mine started ( migraines )after I had passed out 3 times in 1 week. The final time I passed out my daughter called ambulance. I was admitted into hospital and they did all kinds of testing. CT'scan,
Spinal taps. Pretty much everything came back normal. Since then I have migraines almost every day. I've been in and out of hospital since then. See my doctor and Neurologist regularly. I've tried just about everything my Neurologist said. I've tried infusions, medications , pain management with no luck. I'm just beside myself. Am at the point where my job is on the line ! I don't know what triggers them ? My lifestyle is the same as always. My Neurologist said the only thing now he can suggest is to see an Anesthesiologist for pain management ???? It's so frustrating. Sometimes when I go to the ER becuse im in so much pain they treat me as if I'm just looking for narcotics . Really frustrating !


I've always had off and on again headaches. Some pretty bad, but I just brushed them off as headaches ?? But,, (Almost 16 months ago now). Mine started ( migraines )after I had passed out 3 times in 1 week. The final time I passed out my daughter called ambulance. I was admitted into hospital and they did all kinds of testing. CT'scan,
Spinal taps. Pretty much everything came back normal. Since then I have migraines almost every day. I've been in and out of hospital since then. See my doctor and Neurologist regularly. I've tried just about everything my Neurologist said. I've tried infusions, medications , pain management with no luck. I'm just beside myself. Am at the point where my job is on the line ! I don't know what triggers them ? My lifestyle is the same as always. My Neurologist said the only thing now he can suggest is to see an Anesthesiologist for pain management ???? It's so frustrating. Sometimes when I go to the ER becuse im in so much pain they treat me as if I'm just looking for narcotics . Really frustrating !

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I'm sorry you have to deal with such frustrations. Have you scheduled an anesthesiologist appointment for pain management, yet?


Thank you, waiting on them to call to get in.


I am Peggy Eddy, I’m 69 years old. I have had pelvic pain constant unless sitting for over 6 months now. Ic been to a Urologist, who did a cystoscope and said I have interstitial cystitis, then I went to a gynecologist/urologist who did a pelvic exam, found nothing abnormal, sent me for a ct scan, which was all clear. My pcp sent me for an MRI of the pelvis area thinking it might be the ligaments or muscle tear. The MRI showed nothing abnormal, however I did have a fractured pelvis due to recent fall. The gyn dr sent me to a neurosurgeon due to show bulging disk in my lower back, he sent me for a MRI of the back. He found nothing that needed surgery so he sent me to an orthopedic surgeon who said my X-rays showed nothing. He said my pelvic fracture was healed and I had protected my pelvis for so long sitting that my pain was from my muscles being frozen. Ok, the fall was in January and pain started in February, I still have the same pain. I did not find out about the pelvic fracture until April. How can this be? Im on the interstitial cystitis diet but when I get up to walk my entire pelvic area feels like knives stabbing me as soon as I pick my foot up to walk. Anyone ever heard of this problem?


Hello Lynda! Welcome to Connect, thank you for joining us. You have come to a great place for support, guidance, and to learn of others experiences.

I am sorry you are suffering from fibro, back pain, and most recently digestive problems, and numbness and weakness in your legs. My body has had a host of problems quite similar to yours. It's frustrating to say the least and creates a storm of confusion when trying to narrow down the cause.

Have you ever heard of Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS)? It is something that might be of interest to you to keep in your back pocket while you're exploring causes. Here is video presentation by Mayo Clinic's Dr. Sletten, on CSS. I found it fascinating. It helped me narrow down the overall root of my cause which was CSS. An umbrella to all of my diagnoses.

If you are up to it, would you mind letting me know your thoughts, and if anything from the video resonated with you?

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I found this very interesting. I am in California or I would definitely look into it.


I am Peggy Eddy, I’m 69 years old. I have had pelvic pain constant unless sitting for over 6 months now. Ic been to a Urologist, who did a cystoscope and said I have interstitial cystitis, then I went to a gynecologist/urologist who did a pelvic exam, found nothing abnormal, sent me for a ct scan, which was all clear. My pcp sent me for an MRI of the pelvis area thinking it might be the ligaments or muscle tear. The MRI showed nothing abnormal, however I did have a fractured pelvis due to recent fall. The gyn dr sent me to a neurosurgeon due to show bulging disk in my lower back, he sent me for a MRI of the back. He found nothing that needed surgery so he sent me to an orthopedic surgeon who said my X-rays showed nothing. He said my pelvic fracture was healed and I had protected my pelvis for so long sitting that my pain was from my muscles being frozen. Ok, the fall was in January and pain started in February, I still have the same pain. I did not find out about the pelvic fracture until April. How can this be? Im on the interstitial cystitis diet but when I get up to walk my entire pelvic area feels like knives stabbing me as soon as I pick my foot up to walk. Anyone ever heard of this problem?

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I think I have found my problem, the location of the pain is in the right psoas muscle and the gentialfemor nerve.


I'm cathy...i have chronic back pain on my spine which is arthritis. It has been masked for years by tramadol which I am weaning off of. My pain management doc got mad because I went to a neurologist for neuropathy. I'm trying to get. Some type of routine with voltaren creme in the AM maybe or allege in the AM and ibuprofen and Tylenol in the afternoon and evening. Trying CBD creme, heating pad, ice, lidoderm patched at night... any suggestion would be helpful. Thank you.

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