Weird shock sensation throughout body

Posted by etb4u @etb4u, Sep 15, 2021

I'm a 40 year old male. Every once in a while, about 1-2 times a month, I'll get a really quick shock like feeling the instantly radiates throughout my body. From what I can tell it seems to start from the back of my neck/head and radiates throughout my body and lasts about half a second. It's very instantaneous and doesn't hurt at all. It just feels weird. It happens when I'm relaxed. Typically sitting in a chair laying in bed reading or watching TV. This has been happening for a few years. I've had several physicals and associated blood tests and everything is fine. I've had my hormones checked with no issue. I did have hairline fractures in 2 of my neck vertebrae about 20 years ago. But, it never really gave me any issues.

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@etb4u Welcome to Connect. I am a spine surgery patient and I had the same symptom, when I bent my neck, I sent an electric shock down my entire body. That is a symptom of a spine problem. I had spinal cord compression from a collapsed disc and from bone spurs that grew there pushing into my spinal cord. Bone spurs can grow from uneven pressure on the end plates of the vertebrae. You may want to consider getting some new spine imaging and a consult with a spine surgeon in case something has changed. A spine problem can sneak up on you without your knowing it. My spine issues developed 20 years after a whiplash injury. I had a fusion at C5/C6 which resolved the issues.

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